theater criticism
David Selvas and Sergi Pompermayer have highlighted misanthropic subversion with a contemporary rereading that maintains the backbone of the most critical Molière
Molière -
David Selvas -
Sergi Pompermayer -
Alejandro Andujar -
Locker room
Marta Pell -
Jaume Ventura -
Sound space and original music
Paula Jornet, Adrià Jornet -
Mar Orfila -
Pol López, Mireia Aixalà, Laia Alsina, Júlia Genís, Norbert Martínez, David Menéndez, Alex Pereira, Albert Prat -
Teatre Lliure, Barcelona
“I’m not trying to change the world, I’m trying not to let the world change me.” Alceste, the misanthrope who Molière created in 1666, now with the clothes of 2024. Three and a half centuries after that last piece, the hypocrisy…
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#misanthrope #Molière #influencer #galaxy