Ana Redondo has spoken over the controversy in a day in Burgos about vicarium violence
“You can’t give voice to murderers or those who have removed their children’s lives.” Thus of forceful it has manifested The Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo, on the publication of ‘The Hate’, Luisgé Martín’s work that collects the confessions of José Breton, convicted of the murder of his two children in Córdoba.
The Valladolid minister has spoken in this way when questioned by journalists before participating in the day ‘Stop Vicaria Violence’, which is held at the Isabel I University of Burgos, reports Iical.
He has done it after Anagrama has issued a statement in which he responds to the controversy raised. In it, the publisher is aware of the sensitivity of the case and the impact it can generate on public opinion: “We are fully aware of the monstrosity of the crimes committed by José Breton and we understand the sensitivity that the exploration of the condition of the murderer who addresses the writer Luisgé Martín in ‘The Hate’» can understand.
#Minister #Equality #José #Bretóns #book #give #voice #murderers