The consumption of the main products of the Mediterranean diet has generally fallen double digit since the beginning of the century in Spain, a change of habits that increases the risk of obesity and its associated diseases.
As the New National Food Strategythe Mediterranean diet (with predominance of fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, olive oil that provide balance and variety) is a beneficial food pattern for health and a sustainability model recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The president of the Spanish Foundation of Nutrition (FEN), Rosaura Leis, highlighted Efeagro that Spain “is fortunate to be bathed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, with two traditional food patterns that have proven to be healthy for the individual and sustainable for the environment. “
These lifestyles have made, among other factors, that the population is longest and has a higher quality of lifealthough in recent years adhesion is being lost to these patterns, especially in children and adolescents, Leis, also a professor of pediatrics at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Consumer drops
According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food included in the strategy, Per capita consumption at home has descended into the main products of the Mediterranean diet between 2000 and 2023, with the exception of white meats, where 12.8%has risen.
The greater declines They correspond to fresh bread (-29.6%), wine (-27.6%), fish and seafood (-26.6%), cereals (-20.2%) and olive oil ( -20%).
They are followed by 19.1% falls in legumes17% in red meat, 14.3% in fresh fruits, 11.5% in fresh vegetables and 8.6% in rice.
Igue olive oil being the main In households, which show fidelity even in times of price increases, while wine consumption is turning towards the “premium” on special occasions.
Among cereals, concerns about health and Trend towards low carbohydrate diets They have reduced the consumption of white flours, in contrast to the greatest popularity of whole grains, something that is also observed in bread.
According to the strategy document, the boom of alternative carbohydrates has also influenced the lower rice consumptionalthough interest in comprehensive and ecological products has grown.
Despite the descents, Legumes have maintained their presence in food in recent years; The preference for exotic and ecological fruits, and frozen and convenience vegetables; and in fish the frescoes in front of frozen and prepared dishes have lost ground.
Environmental and health concerns have influenced both the lower red meat consumption (beef, pig, lamb) as in the increase of white (chicken, turkey, rabbit).
Current and future trends
In general, the president of the FEN has related this lower consumption of food characteristic of Atlantic and Mediterranean diets with the Loss of adhesion to those food patterns.
In his opinion, factors such as convenience, the shortest time dedicated to the kitchen, the cost of the products and the New food fashions transmitted by networks.
In addition, fresh, season and minimally processed foods have been replaced by other prosecuted, rich in saturated and trans fat, with added sugars, which suppose a “Important nutritional and metabolic risk for the population”according to Leis.
In front of the Bad dietsrelated to obesity and its associated pathologies -main causes of morbidity and mortality in the world -, the expert has called to promote sustainable healthy patterns among the youngest and from families, school, community, industry and authorities .
He has urged to make traditional foods affordable to the population, including the most vulnerable; give adequate information and nutritional training; and promote a gastronomic and cultural tradition that must be maintained.
#Mediterranean #diet #continues #collapse #Spain