The actor who starred in this year’s Christmas Lottery advertisement, Amadeo Martin, He has gone to the administration that distributed the Gordo in Logroño, and remembering the message of the spot, he has wondered if any lucky person I would be willing to share it with him.
“I hope the award is widely distributed and for the people who really need it,” remarked the actor, who added, laughing, that “If there is someone who wants to share it with me, I don’t care,” because, “as they always say, you have to cover some holes and something.”
The actor, a native of La Rioja, has arrived at the lottery administration that has distributed the entire 72,480 to congratulate its ownersits employees and the award winners who have come to its doors, which have brought together hundreds of curious people after hearing the news.
Martín stated that, as he usually does every Sunday, he was walking through the Ebro park in the capital of Rioja when he heard the news, and he thought “I’m going to go over and see if I know anyone.”
“I hope it is true that I have brought luck and that I can bring even more to Logroño,” said Martín, who added that he already considered that he had won his particular lottery with the possibility of starring in this year’s advertisement, which It has been “an incredible experience”, to which is added that “it is very strong” that it has fallen on their land.
He highlighted that, although he buys the lottery like every Christmas, this year he has more tickets because They gave him a gift as a result of making the announcementbut he still hasn’t checked to see if it’s his turn, because he usually checks it the next day.
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