In the middle of the tariff war after the arrival of Donald Trump to the White House and before the convulsive current geopolitical scenario, Felipe VI took advantage of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Prince of Asturias chair of the University of Georgetown – «an outstanding instrument of … Spanish public diplomacy, ”according to the king – To launch a message to the US president Pedro Sánchez To “intensify” the relations between the two countries, at a time when, in addition, the Secretary of State of the United States, Marco Rubio, has not yet called the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, after the beginning of the It was Trump.
Don Felipe stressed that “in the political sphere we can advance together, even to rhythms and even different approaches,” while recalled that Spain and the USA “They are partners, allies and above all, friends ». Hence there is “space to reinforce the bilateral relationship beyond the current economic and business, cultural or social links, or military cooperation.”
“We need to intensify relationships”
“The two countries aspire to reinforce the freedom and prosperity of our societies, embrace the technological challenge, understand the new dimensions of security and promote a safer world,” said the king. Don Felipe said that «We need to intensify bilateral relations“And” we have, without a doubt, a future of great benefit to build, but we will do it on a legacy already solid and valuable. ”
Don Felipe recalled that, in 1999, four years after he finished his master’s degree in international relations, he returned to Washington to inaugurate the Prince of Asturias chair at the University of Georgetown. In addition to the memories he keeps from that time, to which he has referred on many occasions, the king assured this morning that one of his «primary objectives was then get Spain to know it better in the world, especially in what his recent past and his thriving news represents ». At that time, he referred to the interest in the academic field then aroused our country “through the history of success” he had starred. He mentioned “the success of our democratic process, of our Constitution, of the incorporation of Spain to Europe”, in addition to the role of our country in the Mediterranean or our with Latin America, among others.
Defense and claim of Spanish
To all these milestones is added “the attraction of a culture of universal scope around our language,” as the king declared when he returned to Georgetown in 2010, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of this chair. Don Felipe recalled this morning, in addition, that he had already become «In international communication language» And now they share 600 million people. “Still growing at great pace worldwide,” said the king. Hence, a few days ago Don Felipe regretted that the Spanish had disappeared from the US government website, in the same way that he apostilled that «It is still very important to intensify educational contacts“Between countries” and with the set of countries with which we share this linguistic and cultural heritage. ” “In the current context, it is even more relevant Felipe.
In the front row – along with ministers who preceded him in office, such as Arancha González Laya, Josep Borrell, Javier Solana and Ana de Palacio – listened to José Manuel Albares very attentive. The head of Spanish diplomacy received Don Felipe as soon as he arrived at the headquarters of Endesa, where the act took place. Once inside, he posed with all of them in the family photo, but did not greeted any after the initial welcome to the king.
The event was also attended by the president of Endesa and the Endesa Foundation, Juan Sánchez-Calero; the CEO of Endesa and vice president of the Endesa Foundation, José Bogas; and the dean of the School of Foreign Service of the University of Georgetown, Joel Hellman.
#Kings #Message #Sánchez #Trump #intensify #Spainee.u