The General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) will not raise a joint proposal on the body’s choice system that the Parliament claimed after the agreement between the PSOE and PP that allowed its renewal after more than five years in functions. ORGAN SOURCES Consulted by ensure that the extraordinary plenary that will be held on Wednesday will unanimously approve a single report with two differentiated proposals: one tending to maintain the essence of the current model, in which the Cortes choose on a certain closed list by the judges, defended by the progressive sector; And another that supports that the judicial members are directly elected by the judges, which is maintained by the directors elected at the proposal of the PP.
The plenary was on September 25 a Working Group with two conservative vowels (José Carlos Orga and Isabel Revuelta) and two progressive (Bernardo Fernández and Algeria Queralt). His documentation and analysis work have been extended for more than four months. The conversations have remained open until this morning, when several vowels have met in the presence of the president, Isabel Perelló, and the inability to make a joint proposal has been revealed. It has been chosen, consequently, to make a single report, but in which both positions are collected, according to the sources consulted.
“This solution allows us to present a single document without anyone having to give up their own positions,” says a voice of the progressive block. “The feeling is possible. We have found that we have not been able to prepare a single proposal. But reaching agreements is also to assume that sometimes it is not possible, ”says a vowel of the conservative group, which values that the presentation of a report with both proposals allows to comply with the mandate of Parliament, which forced the new council to make A report that will analyze the European election systems of the councils equivalent to Spanish and to formulate a proposal to reform the election system of the 12 vowels that are part of the race. The other eight vowels – a renowned legalists – are chosen by Parliament, according to the Constitution.
The proposal presented by the Conservative Group, which is already registered in the body, provides for the direct election, through open lists and with national constituency by the judges of the 12 judicial vowels, although it includes some restrictions such as that they cannot be chosen who in the previous five years have had political positions.
The progressive block, meanwhile, is finalizing a text that maintains the parliamentary choice of the 12 judicial vowels, although it opens to introduce some changes to promote several candidates for each vacant square and thus the courts have a certain margin of choice, They explain sources from that group.
The direct election by the members of the Judiciary and without intervention of the Parliament of the 12 members from the judicial career is defended by three of the four judicial associations. It is the model that governs in the elections to the Government Rooms of the Supreme, the National Court and the 17 Autonomous Superior Courts, where there is a total domain of the judicial associations that cover the space of the right and the center -right.
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