Great premiere in Portonovo de la eleventh edition of the Interclubes Ría de Pontevedra regatta. The wind and rain storm that hit the Rías Baixas finally gave a break and the fleet could be thrown into the water this Saturday to inaugurate the markers in the seven participating categories. After the dispute of the first Orion assault, Marina Ronáutica, Arpón IV, Piko Norte, Ziraralla First, Daikiri and Atxurri are the first leaders of the general classification.
With just ten minutes of delay, around 2:40 p.m. and after the celebration of the opening ceremony, the fleet of more than 40 ships listened to the exit horn for A journey of twelve and a half. The wind, which blew with southwest component and gusts that exceeded fifteen knots of intensity, allowed the competition to be resolved in about two and a half hours.
In addition to throwing the first results of the circuit, this Saturday’s test was also the only scoring for the Concello and Marina Nauta Sanxenxo trophy.
In class 1 Froiz The first stage could not have been more tight. The title defender, the Orion of Javi Pérez (Mrcy Baiona) was imposed with only four seconds of advantage over the Deep Blue 2.1 of Vicente Cid (RCN Vigo), which is located second. Behind, almost a minute and a half, third place is occupied by the Ozosana de Juan Carlos Pérez (CN León).
Class 2 Abanca also begins with Partial triumph for the winner of the last edition, the marine ronautics from Anna Carneiro (CN San Telmo). The second and third place is occupied by the Squid II of Francisco Lusquiños (CN Portonovo) and the Balea Dous de Luis María Pérez (RCN Rodeira).
On the other hand, the Fleet of Class 3 Murimar Insurance opened the markers with Arpo IV of Iñaki Carbajo (CN Beluso) at the top of the table, followed by Argalleiro de Fernando Otero (RCM Aguete) in second place and from the spite of José Luis Lastra (CN Beluso), which is third.
In class 4 Myagal the first partial triumph was taken by the northern Piko of José Manuel Castro (CN Boir year in the interclubs in the second position. Third, meanwhile, was the fanciulla of Manuel Castro-Gil (RCR Galicia).
Between the solitary class fleet and two Opticalia Campelo only one of the teams was able to finish the tour, the first Ziraralla of Ramón Barreiro (RCN Sanxenxo).
In classics and veteran naval effects Jesús Betanzos, good start of the Daikiri by Jorge Manuel Álvarez. The Sanxenxo RCN ship achieved a distance in the classification of the day of almost two minutes on the Adaxo Catro de Alejandro Diéguez (Cy Vilagarcía), which occupies the second place for the moment. Third was, on the other hand, Francisco Mourelos’s golfiño (CN Portonovo).
And finally, in classics and veterans Computer Landín The first victory of the circuit was taken by the Atxurri of Ana Pazó (CN Raxó) with half a minute of advantage in corrected time over the Cassandra of Javier Pazó (CN Portonovo). Behind, the provisional podium closes the Pilgrim-Cobre San Rafael de Carlos Núñez (CN Portonovo) in the third position.
The next appointment will be on February 8 under the organization of the Beluso Yacht Club.
As every year before the start of the inaugural stage, at 12:00 the opening ceremony of the eleventh edition of the Interclubes Ría de Pontevedra regatta took place. Authorities, sponsors and collaborators gathered at the club’s facilities to wish the participants and immortalize the moment with the traditional family photo after the words of Javier Ruiz de Cortázar, president of the leading club of the organizing committee this 2025, the Yacht Club of portonovo.
Among the attendees were Marcos Guisasola, Concelleiro de Deportes de Sanxenxo; Cándido Muiños, Concelleiro Deportes Poio; Antonio Caiña, concelleiro of sports activities of Marín, and Antonio Traba, Concelleiro de Deporte e Xuventude; the Commander Director of the Naval School of Marín, the captain of ship Pedro Cardona; Manuel Villaverde, president of the Royal Galician Federation of Vela; Javier Ruiz de Cortázar, president of the Portonovo Yacht Club; Fernando Casas, member of the Board of Directors of the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo; Manuel Torres, Vice President of the Real Club de Mar de Aguete; Juan Luis Patón, administrator of the Port Deportivo de Combarro; José Lino Vidal Director of Abanca office; Paz Taracido, Murimar Seguros area agent; and Javier Landín, General Director of Informatics Landín.
The 11th Interclubes Regatta Ría de Pontevedra has the collaboration and sponsorship of the City Council of Sanxenxo, Concello de Marín, Concello de Poio, Nauta Sanxenxo, Abanca, Murimar Seguros, Froiz, Opticalia Campelo, Myagal, Naval Effects Jesús Betanzos and Informatics Landín.
#Interclubes #Regatta #Ría #Pontevedra #premieres #note #eleventh #edition