Oregano, as we all know, is an aromatic perennial herbaceous of the original scientific genre, which belongs to Labiadas family, widely used in Mediterranean cuisine. Of course, also in the rest of Europe and in Central Asia.
Apparently, oregano has its roots in the Mediterranean region and Western Asia. Moreover, for centuries it has been an integral part of Greek and Italian cuisine, contributing a flavor unique and extraordinary and an unmistakable fragrance to a great Variety of dishes.
The ancient GreeksIn fact, they believed that oregano was A gift from the goddess Aphrodite and they used it both in the kitchen and in religious rituals. It is also used to dress cheeses or next to different meatselaborate infusions and even in Natural medicine.
Among their propertiesit is worth noting the following, according to the specialized portal ‘Tea Saúde‘:
- Improves digestion. It is a good antispasmodic and increases the production of gastrointestinal juices, favoring digestion.
- Prevents premature aging. Yes, being rich in antioxidant compounds, such as flavonoids and vitamin C, which help neutralize excess free radicals.
- Anticancer. It can help prevent cancer due to its high antioxidant content.
- Reduction of viral infections. When rich in Carvacrol and Timol that possess antiviral properties, protects against some viruses and is a natural defense against infections.
- Help reduce weight. The anti -inflammatory and antioxidant components of the oregano promote the decrease in the inflammation and fats of the organism
- Decreases inflammation. Its flavonoids and phenolic reduce inflammation in the body.
- Avoid cramps. Thanks to its antioxidant components such as carvacrol, it helps regulate muscle contraction and to improve blood circulation.
- Combat viruses, bacteria and fungi. It helps treat some infections with their properties, such as flu, urinary infections, herpes …
- Is ideal for those who seek natural alternatives for the relief of knee.
- Contains Vitamins A, C, E and Kas well as fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium and potassium.
- High antioxidant content They contribute to generate collagen. As if that were not enough, it helps fight oxidative stress in the body, which contributes to the development of various diseases, such as diabetes or cancer.
To take into account
In general, The oregano plant consumed in adequate doses does not present problems. Of course, excessive consumption of this herb can cause Nervous alterationssomething that has generated A certain concern In social networks, especially in ‘X‘(formerly known as Twitter).
Given this panorama, health experts recommend Do not consume this herb to people susceptible to develop Allergies to any of the plants of the Lamiáceas familyamong which is oregano.
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