Maintaining good physical health also goes for taking care of a Good brain healthsince it is in charge of controlling most of the functions of the human body. Over the years, together with factors such as stress, they contribute to a greater deterioration of this organ, which leads to those small memory failures that begin to suffer in the adult stage. However, there are tools that are available to everyone and that can help prevent and face this situation better. One of them is hydration, the neurologist warns Alejandro Anderssondirector of Institute of Neurology of Buenos Aires (INBA).
As he explains, Water plays a very important role For the brain and the nervous system, hence staying hydrated is essential to avoid the memory losses that can be given daily. “The brain, composed of 75% by water, depends on this liquid to Maintain the neuronal function Adequate, “he says in a shared post on Instagram.
Andersson exposes in this social network How the process works whereby water improves brain capacity: “water allows the transfer of neurotransmitters, chemical messengers between neurons. Nervous conductivity is possible thanks to the fact that water allows salts to move from one place to another.”
If this were not not enough, drinking water also helps protect the brain, says Andersson. “He cerebrospinal fluidthat bathes inside and outside the nervous system, protects against shakes and trauma, in addition to helping to eliminate toxins, “he continues.
The Effects of dehydration They can make a dent in the brain system, to the point that on many occasions it can be behind those daily memory failures or oversights to which we do not give importance.
“Dehydration is directly linked to stress, mental fatigue and the decrease in cognitive performance“, warns this neurologist, so it is essential to maintain an adequate intake of water per day.
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