The Government does not want to let Muface die, at least for the moment. For this reason, the Ministry of Public Function, headed by Óscar López, once again extends the deadline for insurers to submit to the Muface tender, although this time he does it without a set date.
Now the Government resorts to a “suspension of the deadline” as reflected in the State Public Procurement Platform. It is the second time that the decision for Muface has been postponed in just a month, since the first date set was January 15, which was later extended until January 27.
According to the resolution, the arguments to carry out said suspension are based on the need to carry out the “opportune modifications” in the specifications and agree on a new submission deadline “so that interested bidders can adapt the documentation.”
These modifications, according to negotiation sources, are based on clarifying section 8.7.3. from the Muface sheets. This, in short, talks about Muface being able to “reestablish the economic-financial balance of the concert when the entity requests it due to unforeseeable risk.” All of this under these assumptions that must be met: an extraordinary change in circumstances at the time of executing the contract; a substantial increase in onerousness as a result of these changes; and the lack of alternative means to avoid imbalance”.
The companies want to be compensated if the contract is deficient for them. They cover assumptions such as inflation, as well as the increase in the frequency of use, cases that the Administration gave as “assessed assumptions.” But neither the experts nor the entities’ own Legal offices give that answer as valid to ensure the reversal of the losses.
Therefore, The next step would be to include an addendum to the specificationsspecifically in that section in which the conditions of this revocation of losses are specified and under what conditions it would be applied, but more details about what the changes could be are unknown. The Government will probably provide some more information next Tuesday, after the Council of Ministers.
Adeslas returns in his footsteps
Adeslas seems to be the alternative that the Government wants to recover to save Muface, despite the fact that the company has stressed, like DKV, its “no” to Muface. The entity, whose capital belongs 50.01% to Grupo Mutua Madrileña and the remainder to CaixaBank, made it clear that “with current conditions, joining the agreement would mean losses of 250 million over the three years of its duration.”
After the rejection of both, only Asisa was left in charge of the negotiation, and it was the insurer itself that established the first conversations with the Administration asking about the possibility of revoking the losses, as reflected in the tender.
Now Adeslas has assured that will reconsider its “current position” and will take “the necessary steps to favorably continue” its presence in Muface if the “progress” is consolidated in the conversations it has had with the Government in recent days, sources from the insurer have announced.
The company chaired by Javier Murillo is the one with the most insured: more than 500,000 people, which represents almost half of the quota of officials who opt for insurance to cover their health. His departure would mean that Asisa would have to face 700,000 patients at once, something that the company claims would be possible in terms of health capacity, but administratively it would mean a great effort: “Muface is very demanding with the requirements, and if we can present ourselves it is because Regardless of whether there are one or three insurers, we meet the conditions. Now, we would have to be able to manage the arrival of so many officials at once administratively speaking,” company sources emphasize.
#Government #waits #Adeslas #suspends #deadline #submitting #offers #Muface