The government has once again used its veto to stop the processing of an amendment. In this case it is a proposal that extended the regulated life of the cogeneration plants for the treatment of purines and that was incorporated into the Senate by Junts per Catalunya within the law against food waste.
According to sources consulted by this newspaper, the Government has had to argue that the measure affected the general budgets to be able to knock it down and, for this, it has resorted to a plant in the Canary Islands of the Mare Nostrum Resort hotel with 2.2 MW of power that ended its useful life last year.
With this measure, the plant would divert the budget item into about 600,000 euros, but there is a circumstance that this installation has not operated since 2006, which in practice means that there is no impact that justifies this veto by the Government.
Junts denounces that the Executive Timba thus the only viable solution for the management of Purines and puts at risk the viability of more than a hundred Catalan farms.
For this reason, the party has presented a reconsideration letter before the Congress table, signed by Deputies Pilar Calvo and Isidre Gavín, requesting that the decision that prevents the amendment to vote.
In his brief, Junts explains that the decision of the Congress table establishes “a historical precedent that could injure parliamentary rights for the future”, since it validates a veto of the government carried out “afterwards, outside the appropriate procedural moment, affecting the parliamentary work developed in another chamber and assuming, therefore, a veto to what is agreed by the majority in said chamber.”
When vetoing the extension of the cogeneration, the Spanish government puts a large part of the small and medium -sized livestock farms in Catalonia, especially in the regions of the Segrià and Osona. Not being able to bring the purines to the cogeneration plants, the farmers must assume very high costs to transfer them to land suitable for their dumping. This situation has been aggravated since last January the cogeneration plants of Alcarràs and Les Masies de Voltregà, which together treated more than 200,000 tons of purines a year.
It should be remembered that, prior to the current veto, the Government withdrew by decision of the Council of Ministers the processing of the bill of the economic regime of greenhouse gases, because the amendment had been approved to extend the regulated useful life of the cogeneration plants and the amendment that eliminated, in case of surplus in the electrical sector, the IVPE (tax to the value of the value of the electric production).
From Junts, the position of defending the only solution that guarantees an environmentally sustainable management of swine livestock dejections is maintained, which opens the door to the amendment can reappear in the new process.
The extension of the cogeneration would allow the farmers and operators of the plants to integrate new biogas plants in the treatment of purines, maintaining the viability of their farms.
#government #vetoes #amendment #save #farms #Catalonia