The president of Extremadura, María Guardiola, has revealed that the Government prepares a meeting with the electricity to analyze the future of the Almaraz nuclear power plant. According to Guardiola, the Vice President and Ecological Transition Minister transferred her willingness to hold this meeting at the meeting held on March 12 at the Ministry.
As Guardiola said yesterday, at this meeting it was agreed to “be coordinated, because we are aware that the meeting that has planned with the owner companies occurs.”
For the president of Extremadura, this meeting between the electric companies and the government will be key to “can reach an agreement and that calendar of closure of nuclear plants” is flexible.
Endesa and Iberdrola have several times to the Government to celebrate a meeting to analyze the situation of the plants and the closing calendar agreed in 2019. For the electricity, a premature closure of the centrals would mean an increase in emissions, as well as electricity prices, and could put the supply of electricity at risk in several large Spanish cities.
The Government, on the other hand, has not yet requested the Electricity Reta the impact report on the supply that could cause Almaraz closure, but it is clear that the forecasts included in the PNIEC would allow their dismantling. The bad, in this case, is that the pace of compliance with the plan is below the expected – mainly in storage – and this situation generates strong uncertainty to be able to comply with the planned calendar.
In any case, opinions are at this time diverse; While consultants such as PWC or Metsys consider that the impact of the closure can be considerable, Alantra Energy Transition states that the closure of the central will follow the calendar provided by the Government despite the request for dialogue of the electric.
The Santiago Eguazu firm, with photovoltaic interests, leaves open the possibility of reviewing the closing plans of the centrals scheduled from 2030. According to a company document, Almaraz -Iberdrola, Endesa and Naturgy- Propiety useful.
ALANTRA ENERGY TRANSITION emphasizes that the existence of a clear closing calendar makes any extension for this particular center difficult. However, the firm raises a possible alternative scenario in which an extension of nuclear capacity in Spain is studied in 5 GW, which could mitigate the impact on electricity prices.
#government #prepares #meeting #electricity #negotiate #Almarazs #life