This week, MIRIAM NOGUERAS, Junts spokesman in Congress, he refused to appear before journalists in the press room of the lower house because the flags of Spain and the European Union are exhibited. It is not the first … time that the leader of Carles Puigdemont In Madrid he expressed his hatred of national and community symbols and what they represent. It is the most aggressive face of Junts. Of wear. But not the only one.
The reverse of the currency of this party is that it disguises itself as convergence that for a time ruled Catalonia stress but without breaking the different governments. He didn’t do it for free. He put into practice the so -called ‘Peix al Cove’ that consisted of obtaining sectoral independence ‘in exchange for votes to give stability to the executive on duty. Junts, now, without institutional power, combines this double game and manages to place related in companies with state participation and regulatory agencies.
Business and policy sources consulted show their strangeness by some placements that are read as a rather subtle gesture of the PSOE towards the Puigdemont environment, a way of throwing oil into the gear of a strange relationship but essential for the survival of Pedro Sánchez In La Moncloa. The same sources underline their skepticism about the results of a strategy that, they point out, “what he achieves is to place in the bosom of strategic companies that would actually want to break them.”
He was the director of the Mossos d’Esquadra during the illegal independence referendum of 2017. He was prosecuted at the National Court and acquitted in 2020.

The secessionist employer FEMCAT presided and is part of the Board of Directors of Òmnium, an entity that with the ANC and the Government led the independence ‘procés’.

Exconcejal de Junts and Exeurodiputa de CiU, propagator of ‘fake news’ on social networks and qualifies Aena as “colonial” and “Soviet.”

Member of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) that led the ‘procés’ of 2017, presented the campaign of this entity against Renfe in January this year.

He tried to be a senator of CiU in 2016 but did not get it, before (2014) was the Commissioner of the Generalitat to commemorate the tricentennial of 1714.
These movements are not alien, and run in parallel, to the active work that has been developing work with a double objective: on the one hand, that Catalan companies have a voice again in Madrid, assuming the role of ‘lobby’ that once exercised Ciu through precisely, and among others, its president Josep Sánchez Llibre; and on the other, try to normalize, or bleach, the presence of Juns and Puigdemont in national politics.
In this context, narcotics within the other great secessionist party, ERC, is total. Gabriel Rufián He reproached him yesterday to Nogueras in Congress. Party sources added to ABC: «These people placed by Junts in companies, who will they work for? For companies, for Catalonia, for Junts? It is clear, isn’t it? What a great hypocrisy to question the transfer of vicinity but placed there ».
In this regard, the last – for the moment – to join the list of placed has been Eduard Gràcia, that the government spoils the Renfe Council. Gràcia milita – or has done it until recently – in the ANC, an entity that together with Òmnium was the civil motor of the ‘procés’. He is an international economy professor at the UB and teaches his classes in English. Junts wants Renfe to disappear from Catalonia and the Puigdemont party will now have a voice and vote on the Council.
“Personal tone”
More cases. Not a month ago, Ramon Tremosa He joined the Board of Directors of AENA. Tremosa, militant of Juns, a exeurodiputa of CiU and who has just left the councilor’s act in the City of Barcelona has been one of the most critical secessionist politicians with the strategy of AENA, a company from which he aspires to pick up the airports of Catalonia. The new counselor defended that this company is “colonial” and a “Soviet relic.” Maurici Lucena (PSC), Its president is committed to him because he likes his “personal tone.” Between the ‘hits’ of Tremosa there are the spread of ‘fake news’ on the Internet and raise a complaint to the European commission about the stomp of Pepe to Messi In a Barça-Madrid.
The list continues. Pere Soler He is a advisor to the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) and related to Junts. In this case, in addition, he had a relevant position in the Puigdemont executive. He was the director of the Mossos during the 2017 illegal referendum. He was processed, and acquitted, in the same cause as Josep Lluís Trapero. His responsibility at the head of the Autonomous Police is not in the CNMC curriculum.
There are even more picturesque cases. At the beginning of December, the new members of the Board of Directors of RTVE took possession. Among them, Miquel Calçada, A famous broadcaster and entrepreneur of regional media in Catalan and that in the 2016 elections, shortly after discouraged from the communication group that he founded, Flaix, stayed out of the Senate for CiU. Independentista without tapujos, in the style Nogueras, its incorporation in RTVE is read as an attempt to torpedo the public entity from within.
With non -organic links in junts but of total affinity also appears in this list of placed Elena Massot, Just incorporated into the Enagás Council, appointment whose shareholders meeting must ratify next week. Massot is the CEO of the VERTIX real estate group, founded by his father, Felip Massot, intimate Artur Mas. The new counselor of Enagás, in addition, has been president of FEMCAT, the independence employer, and is part of the Board of Directors of Òmnium.
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