The president of the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar (CHJ), Miguel Polo, said at a governing board meeting on December 19 that all emergency organs received the information that transmitted in real time the automatic hydrological information system ( Saih) about the situation of the Poyo Barranco and the Forata dam.
This follows from the complete audio to which has had access, in which a governing board member asks Polo about the alleged lack of information at the Integrated Operational Coordination Center (Cecopi) about the Poyo Barranco During the afternoon of October 29, the day of the Dana that caused 227 deaths.
At a given time of the conversation, Polo affirms that “what was not transmitted at that time is information on the Poyo Rambla.” However, Chj sources clarify that Polo referred to that during this precise period of time it was being talked about, from 16.13 hours at 18.42, the SAIH did not send any automatic notice about the increase in flow in the ravine.
This is the full audio:
However, as can be seen in the audio, immediately before that phrase and immediately afterwards, Polo clarifies that at all times the automatic hydrological information system (SAIH) was working and transmitting updated data every five minutes, (also of flow in the Rambla del Poyo) denying the alleged ‘informative blackout’ that the Generalitat wields. There was no interruption at any time.
In addition, Polo ends up affirming in that same meeting that, by connecting all the SAIH of Spain with the National Alert Network, there is a “reliable proof” that the emergency center was receiving the information.
In this sense, it should be remembered that the communication between the SAIH and the Emergency Coordination Center was permanent and during the 4:00 p.m. Including the notice of the sudden increase of flow in the ravine, at 6:00 p.m.
This last notice occurred in the middle of the recess imposed by the management of the emergency that unilaterally interrupted the Cecopi meeting for an hour in order to decide an emergency response, for all those who, as the case of the Permanent Committee of The CHJ were connected telematically.
Despite all this information, the alert to the population that should issue the emergency management was sent after 20’00 hours.
In addition, as has been informing, the Valencian government withdrew its firefighters at 3 pm when they did control work in the Poyo ravine and despite receiving a notice from the CHJ at 18.45 hours by the unbroken levels of the Rambla , the citizens’ warning SMS was sent at 8:11 pm and for the risk of breakage of the Forata dam.
#full #audio #president #CHJ #explains #emergencies #received #data #flood #Poyo #risk #Foraata