The large amount of cash that Óscar Sánchez Gilthe former UDEF chief, kept at home (hidden in double funds on ceilings, walls, hidden compartments of the building, safes and even in the garden), added to the almost 450,000 … euros found in their second residence in Denia (Alicante) and the almost 900,000 in their office at the Superior Police Headquarters of Madrid, show the difficulties that, even being an expert in money laundering, had the agent to introduce money in the legal circuit the money that drug traffickers paid for consulting intelligence databases and moving.
The Internal Affairs Unit (UAI) of the National Police remains focused on its patrimonial investigation and the analysis of the bank movements From the alleged criminal organization, an almost impossible mission considering that they had a network of bleachers and testaferros and would have distributed the money in half a dozen countries and another part would have turned it into cryptocurrencies.
Although the analyzed so far has been able to specify a figure: in five years the Chief Inspector managed to wash at least 1.7 million euros through a corporate structure, mainly composed of companies linked to his sister -in -lawYolanda R. P, also in prison for three months. The sources consulted warn, of course, that the figure is provisional and could increase according to the investigations.
Among the societies used for laundering are Som Cars Ompo SL, Top Life Real Estate, Kofu and Incazam SL business developments, all of them dedicated to the sale and rental of vehicles or the land transport of road travelers. Until in April 2024, his wife’s sister, Yolanda RP, constituted a company holding –Pumba managementwhose corporate purpose is the “possession of values and shares in societies, national or foreign, and the control and direction of its participants in these companies” – and began to channel the income of illicit origin of the police.
The money, according to the investigations, responds to the payments that Sánchez Gil would have received in exchange for the services he had been providing for a five years alleged criminal organization dedicated to cocaine traffic On a large scale and posterior money laundering, related to the systematic fraudulent use of intelligence databases to benefit the network and concrete chivatazos that will judge impunity.
Yolanda RP, whom in the records the agents found dozens of vtc licenseshe remains in provisional prison with his sister – also a policeman at the police station of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) – for three months, when Operation Augur and Sánchez Gil exploded was equally imprisoned.
Transnational framework
The judge of the National Court Francisco de Jorge, at the head of the investigations next to the Anti -Drug Prosecutorhas already issued requests for international legal cooperation to different European countries. Also to Arab Emirates, taking into account that the money trail – the sources consulted – have led to a society with a bank based on there, Ads Investiment Solution.
So far the instructor has been extending the secret of the actions in the face of information pending analyzing in the computer devices intervened in the records as well as the efforts that are being carried out to locate the investigated who escaped before being arrested by the police, who continue in an unknown whereabouts.
While the twenty investigated who are in provisional imprison hide or manipulate evidence that would have within reach, being in addition to a transnational framework.
Óscar Sánchez Gil
Chief Inspector, spent a decade at the Central Narcotics Brigade until he reached the Udef in 2021. He was the police officer who directed the Titella operation, in which the main investigated was the television and ventriloquist producer José Luis Moreno.
Ignacio T., the partner
Old informant of the Central Narcotics Brigade who eventually went from being confidant to Sánchez Gil’s partner. Payments are recorded to the police officer made from a company he administered and from another of which he was proxy. There would be conversations in Sky ECC, the chat of the drug traffickers, that compromise him.
Yolanda RP, the sister -in -law
In provisional imprisonment since last November 8 by decision of the judge and the request of the Anti -Drug Prosecutor’s Office, it appears as the sole administrator of a business holding, Pumba management, key in the money laundering of illicit money.
His wife, also a policeman
Like her husband and sister, she is in prison since Operation Augur broke out, three months ago .. He was a police officer at the Alcalá de Henares police station (Madrid).
There is only one case, especially striking, of a investigated who was sent to eludible prison on bail and, after paying the 20,000 euros that Jorge had imposed on him, he was provisional. This is the lawyer Mario Pestaña Sartoriusconsidered one of the ‘brains’ of the laundering operation, whose role – it is believed – was to look for financial beach bar and take out the millions supposedly charged by the police of Spain to place them out. The Prosecutor’s Office appealed but neither the judge nor the Criminal Chamber have modified their procedural situation.
In addition, as this newspaper has learned, Judge Francisco de Jorge has asked for help and requested reinforcements for his court, The intruption central number 1 From the National Court because, in addition to instructing Operation Augur, of great complexity for its international connections, it also has other causes, equally delicate, such as the former head of the Civil Guard of the Port of Valencia, exploited last December by the SERIVICE OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS (SAI) of the Armed Institute.
The case, which is followed by crimes of drug trafficking, bribery, money laundering, belonging to the criminal organization and omission of the duty to prosecute crimes, is also under secret. And would also save connections with international criminal groups. Both the captain of the Civil Guard and three other detainees have been in prison since December.
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