“Amor omnia vincit” goes an old adage, but as regards the first gay marriage in space, love has not only overcome obstacles and prejudices of common morality, but has crossed terrestrial borders to be able to exchange wedding rings in the stratosphere.
The first gay wedding in space will be Italian
This is the story of Alessandro Monterosso, a 33-year-old entrepreneur, and Alec Sander, a 25-year-old singer, who will be the supporters of the first gay wedding in space. During an interview, given to Corriere della Seraand developed Chiara Maffioletti Monterosso, a former Calabrian nurse who patented an app which was then sold to an American pharmaceutical giant, told her story and the reasons that pushed him to propose the first gay wedding in Space to her partner.
The meeting between Alessandro and Alec took place in Padua, in 2017. Monterosso declared that he had difficulty living his homosexuality, living in a relationship sheltered from the prying eyes of a society that is unfortunately still unwelcoming and homophobic.
In 2021 he broke off the relationship, and perhaps this was the driving force that pushed Alessandro to take the decisive step and in 2022 he launched his marriage proposal.
“Launching” is the most appropriate term because Alessandro did not limit himself to remaining on earth to give substance to his feelings, but chose the stratosphere, at 30,480 meters above sea level to give life to the first gay wedding in Space.

The future spouses will use the spacecraft from the American company Space Perspective, which offers the first safer, more accessible and zero-carbon human spaceflight experience. Redefining the category of space travel, it is the largest space capsule in existence.
“I was planning the trip as a civilian, to fulfill my childhood desire to become an astronaut,” Alessandro said: “When I got in touch with the aerospace agency we entrusted to, it came naturally to me to ask: but can I also marry in space? I, who had struggled so much to accept myself as homosexual, not because I wasn’t sure, but because of the social context, told myself that now I would have to tell the whole world how I felt.”
“Firstly because I know that there are many people who experience what I experienced and then to confirm the infinite love I feel for Alec”.

“Couples like us are not always well-regarded in Italy. In other places in the world they are even illegal, in Russia we are considered terrorists. Well, we just want to say that it’s time to normalize everything and amplify this message as much as possible. And if it is therefore so difficult to get married on Earth, then we will carry out the first gay wedding in Space, with a galactic wedding whose aim is precisely to normalize these loves.”
An idea, that of giving life to the first gay weddings, which acts as a trailblazer for the realization of homosexual marriages, despite the costs not being exactly affordable” “It’s an important investment but for us it’s worth it. Then, if we got married in Calabria, perhaps in the end we would spend more with all the guests”, Alessandro joked.
“When I was 13, I was a mechanic in Calabria, then I became a plumber, a waiter and a nurse. I know the value of money and I don’t see it as a vice: for me it’s a dream to marry Alec and imagine that we will be up there, with the whole world outside. It is the culmination of a promise of love.”
And in 2045, for the 20th wedding anniversary, “we aim for Mars”. Best wishes to the future spouses from the iCrewPlay Tech editorial team!
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