The fall of Cipriani, the Cardinal of Opus Dei accused of abuse that made Peru the laboratory of the Ultra Church

For decades, especially throughout the pontificate of John Paul II, it was one of the cribs of the Ultra Church in Latin America. Capited by the Almighty Juan Luis Cipriani, the first Cardinal in the history of Opus Dei, the Peruvian Church became, together with the Mexican, the epicenter of the neochatolic restoration.

Peru, as Mexico was previously, starred in marriage between neoconservative powers in the world of politics, company, judiciary and religion. He made it hiding abuse, lifting the growth of radical organizations such as the sodalicio of the Christian life or the institute of the embodied verb (the first is about to be dissolved, the second has been intervened by Rome) and attacking, until almost extinction, Against the theology of liberation, also founded in Peru by theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez, recently deceased.

All this with the endorsement of Opus Dei, which still exercises a kind of political primacy in Lima through the figure of the mayor, Rafael López Aliaga, a member also of the work and that this same month of January awarded Cipriani the Medal Order to the merit in the degree of Gran Cruz “for its tireless pastoral, academic and ecclesiastical work.” It was just before receiving the president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

During the mandate of Cipriani, both Opus and Sodalicio Camparon at ease in the country. The alliance between Cipriani and Luis Fernandi Figari (founder of the Sodalicio) was narrow for decades. Idols that turned out to have mud feet, as has been demonstrated in the case of Figari who, such as Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ he founded, used the work – and the closed support of the institution – to become a sexual predator and knit A practically infinite business network.

Business of one billion

According to researchers Paola Ugaz or Pedro Salinas, the sodalicio businesses – which started with the assignment of many cemeteries throughout the country – exceed one billion dollars. A money that the papal delegate for the dissolution of the sodalicio, the Spanish Jordi Bertomeu, is commissioned to use, among other things, to compensate hundreds of victims. In a symbolic gesture, Figari’s first complainant was received last week by Pope Francis in the Vatican, confirming the dissolution of the organization and the total help for survivors. In the same Vatican halls that occupied Sos Anchas Figari or Maciel, another Pope welcomed his victims.

Shortly after he turned 75, the Pope fulminated Cipriani as Archbishop of Lima. In 2019, after complaints of sexual abuse supposedly occurred in 1983, Pope Francis “imposed the cardinal a criminal precept with certain disciplinary measures”, as revealed this weekend The country and confirmed the spokesman for the Holy See, Matteo Bruni. Among the imposed measures were not to use cardinal badges, reduce their public presence or travel to Peru.

Despite this, Cipriani – which resides in Madrid since then – has traveled several times to the Latin American country, the last one to receive an award from Mayor López Aliaga. The purple denied the accusations. “I want to clarify that the facts they describe are totally false. I have not committed any crime or sexually abused either in 1983 or before or after, ”he said, and came to say that he was rehabilitated by Rome in 2020. However, as the Holy See clarified, these measures“ remain in force ”.

The veil of silence about Cipriani then began to crack. The lace was given by its successor in Lima, Carlos Castillo, whom Francisco appointed Cardinal in the last session, and that is one of the few Peruvian prelates that has defended the victims of the Sodalicio against the protection of most of the majority of the Episcopal conference of the country. In an open letter to the faithful, Castillo was bluntly with the Cipriani case: “In recent months, after serious and precise investigations, there are people and institutions that refuse to recognize the truth of the facts and decisions taken by the saint Headquarters. We summon everyone to get into reason through a path of conversion that implies abandoning vain justifications, stubbornness and rejection of truth. ”

Castillo maintains in his letter: “what is officially declared by the Holy See a few days ago refers us, above all, to the immense pain and suffering experienced by victims of all kinds of abuse within our Church and in society.” A suffering that “tear our spirit, intersects us deeply and compromises us jointly and severally,” reads.

“Every ultra -fled human being is a cry of God,” adds Castillo, who invites “us to strive personal and ecclesially to host and accompany, as well as stop and punish the aggressions, using the appropriate and fair means, and commit ourselves in their protection, defense, defense , restoration and repair ”.

After the Cardinal of Lima, the Episcopate of Peru, traditionally refractory to recognize the suffering of the victims (who consider that only five prelates of the 54 that are part of the Episcopal Conference have done something to stop the abuse of the sodalicio in the country) , he admitted that in the case of Cipriani “the veracity of the facts was verified.”

“We feel felt like knowing the recent news about Cardinal Cipriani,” the note starts, in which the bishops regret “the pain suffered by the victim of abuse and by the ecclesial community”, and ask “all the people of God that respects the victim’s will to remain anonymous. ”

“We reaffirm our closeness to all victims of any type of abuse,” confirms the bishops of the country, who recognize “the wise decision of the Holy Father, by joining justice and mercy, to accept that the episcopal ministry of Archbishop leaves Emeritus of Lima when he turned 75, and to impose some ministerial limitations ”. “We ask all the people of God to offer prayers for the complainant, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani and for the Church to be safe space, where to live reconciliation,” the writing concludes.

Cipriani’s reaction was swift. “Surprise and pain,” he said in a new letter, in which he denounced “the injustice with which they give for certain facts not proven about me.”

“They have been confused in this campaign to attempted harassment and destruction of my dignity and my honor,” says Cipriani. And he insists, in the face of what has been said before, that “she has accepted preventive measures before the accusation received until the truth was clarified, although they have their origin in a false accusation”, of which it has not been possible to defend , as he says. From Madrid – the Archdiocese says ignoring where the purple -, an injured cypriani prepares his defense.

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