The European Union will have its own chatgpt. A group of European institutions and companies He has begun to develop his own language model, Openeurollm. It will be open and multilingual source to cover all the languages of community space. The project is financed with European funds and has a budget of 37.4 million euros.
The project has just started, this month, in order to develop a community chatgpt, the European Commission has announced. A total of 20 organizations are part of the project, including universities and research centers, companies and computer centers. Two Spanish entities work in the language model, The firm Prompsit and the National Supercomputing Center (CNS), That is in Barcelona.
The European initiative has two clear advantages. On the one hand, it will be open source, which implies that any individual or company can use it and execute it for their own purposes. “[El código] It can be refined and personalized for the specific needs of each industry and the public sector, “details the initiative. That is, Europe will provide the initial tool for companies, administration and individuals They can offer their versions adapted to their businesses or services.
On the other hand, Openeurollm will be native in all European languages, Something that does not offer the leading language model in the market, that of Openai. This presents an advanced level in Spanish, Portuguese, French and German, but its fluidity decreases if it is Italian, the Polish, the Swedish and the rest of the group’s languages. In addition, the intention of the European model is to be able to preserve linguistics, nuances and diversity of each language.
It is true that the European initiative starts several years after when the companies that now lead the market began. The great technology of the United States have been working on their language and OpenAi models for years, it was founded in 2015. It remains to be seen if Openeurollm will be able to compete in this area and a key aspect will be its quality. Although it may not be equated to its rivals, it could be a solution for companies and institutions that want to use a language model for simple and limited tasks. Another positive aspect is that may be integrated into the public administration.
At the moment, the project is financed with European funds and Its budget is 37.5 million euros. The game is small, since developing and training language models is a complex and expensive task, which requires computing capacity and energy resources. Market leaders invest billions in developing their models.
There have not yet been specified several details about the project, such as what data and sources are going to be used to train the model, if there will be more financing, if the initiative is open to private investment or when Openeurollm will be available.
“Open source models will democratize access to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and strengthen the capacity of European companies to compete in a global market. They will allow public organizations to produce and offer quality services,” the initiative points out.
#European #Union #begins #develop #open #source #multilingual #chatgpt #version