On March 19, 2024 the Request for requests From the European Parliament, he approved the report prepared by the mission of experts who visited Catalonia in December 2023 to verify if the Spanish was discrue in the Catalan school. After meeting with members of the educational community, judicial representatives, responsible for the Ministry of Education Catalan, unions, families and associations, European experts concluded that yes, that is, in the Catalan classrooms, Spanish was excluded and they were reflected in their final brief in which some recommendations aimed at the Catalan authorities to reverse the situation pointed out.
A year has passed since the approval of the aforementioned report and the Generalitat «still without compliance » The recommendations of the mission, which, although not binding, are usually followed by the aforementioned countries. With the purpose of claiming compliance with these measures and seeking formulas to increase the pressure to the administrations responsible for applying them, the autonomic as direct responsible, and the state, as responsible in the second instance, the president of the Assembly by a bilingual school (AEB), Ana Losadahas met this morning with the president of the European Parliament request Commission Bogdan Rzoncabelonging to the group of European conservatives and reformists.
The meeting, which has lasted approximately one hour and in which the head of the mission, the Eurodiputada Estonia participated Yana Toom, who was in charge of the mission that Catalonia visited in 2023, and the current Vice President of Peti, Dolors Montserratit was raised with the objective of “getting the mechanisms available in European institutions to be activated before the inaction of the Generalitat and the Government of Spain.”
In the meeting, Losada has made the president of PETI a summary of the current situation. He has exposed that a year after validating the recommendations of the experts of the mission “Catalonia still does not comply” and has accused the counselor of the branch of “returning” the fight against the discrimination of Spanish in the classrooms “To the starting box” by denying any breach by the Catalan educational authorities in linguistic matters.
“We have exposed them the current and also summarized what happened in the Catalan classrooms since 2017, the scenario prior to the mission,” he explained Ana Losada A ABC after meeting with Bogdan Rzonca. The head of the AEB has denounced before the person in charge of PETI the “intolerable” response of the counselor or underwent the educational authorities when they asked for accounts in October 2024. “After the report nothing happened. We believe Niubó’s response intolerable because it returns us to the starting box, it denies everything from the beginning, ”said Losada, who has refuted all the statements made by the counselor in her letter ensuring that” the sentences are not fulfilled, that even the individuals of the families are breached, and that the parents have to claim each initiation of course. ”
Losada, who has positively valued the meeting, also recalled «the greatest school failure between the Spanish students, and the disadvantage situation of students with special educational needs, as well as that of the arrivals of other autonomous communities «.
The person responsible for the Assembly for a bilingual school He has also asked the president of Peti who, as indicated in the writing of the experts, the commission monitors the issue and “assess the complaint for the exclusion of Spanish in Catalan education.” The agency, on the other hand, has committed to the AEB to carry out this follow -up and to study “what can be done so that Catalonia acate the recommendations of the European mission.” “The petitioners must feel protected by the European authorities,” said Ana Losada, who has explicitly asked Rzonca to press the Catalan and Spanish government to end the mandatory linguistic immersion.
In October 2024 the president of the Request for requests He sent a requirement to the Catalan Ministry of Education to know to what extent their recommendations were being applied, which are not binding but are usually taken into account by the authorities of the countries to which they are directed. In his response, signed by the Minister of Education Esther Niubó And consulted by this newspaper, the Government throws balls outside and ensures that laws are not being violated in Catalonia. He also denies that Spanish is discriminated against in the Catalan education system.
At the end of January 2025, AEB sent a letter to the president of Peti requesting this meeting following the response of Norubó to the request for requests. In the reply to the European agency, the counselor assured that «in Catalonia the rights of students or families are not violated, nor is it discriminated against for any reason, including that of being Spanish -speaking. In the event of an alleged conflict between families and educational centers, the Education Inspection informs, accompanies and set up each case in particular, applying the regulations in force ».
He also added that when Catalan students end mandatory schooling The two official languages dominate (Catalan and Spanish) and denies that linguistic sentences are not executed, as they have been denouncing the entities in defense of bilingualism.
A year after the approval of the report made by the European mission that visited Catalonia at the end of 2023, nor the government of Spain or Catalonia They have put into practice any of the recommendations of the report.
#European #Parliament #study #Catalonia #stop #excluding #Spanish #classrooms