Resident in Spain since 2002, translator, editor, writer, María Fasce (Buenos Aires, 1969), is Author of an already remarkable work Since published ‘The Office of Lying’ in 1998, an interview book, followed by ‘Women’s Happiness’, a book by … Tales, a genre that alternates with the novel until this last narrative, ‘The end of the forest’, with some titles that speak to us but of an evolution, this only occurs in writers who, hedgehogs, turn over a very number Determined themes, read, obsessions, yes of a more restful look at themes that it has touched, that are multiple.
Thus, in ‘The Woman of Isla Negra’ describes the relationships ofPablo Neruda with two women, Delia and Matilde, although always from a somewhat obvious perspective of the matter seen from a woman, qualifying that Fasces changes for that of a theme of love.
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Endowed with a Very refined style without rhetoricfact that probably comes from a long and felt living with certain Anglo -Saxon authors, from John Cheever, Siri Hustvedt to Hemingway or Scott Fitzgerald, in a certain way authors of stories, that is, they are characterized by saying a lot by hiding it for reasons of space And style in a few lines, in sharp contrast to the novel, which allows long sessions of narrative naps, Maria Fasce The scenarios that change continuously agree, As in the theater and that is when his writing shines, in the manner of the short story, an artifice that another author, Vladimir Nabokov, managed to make with library cards, so that it could well be said that Nabokovian narratives have the structure of a Embuted card series in a shoe box.
‘The end of the forest’ takes up the old scenario of this as a depositary of human problems: it would be a kind of Arcadia Following the classic models although, finally, it would also give way to what it has as ancestral, its dark side: the forest as a meter, therefore, of the human reactions where each one reflects their obsessions …. in any case the forest As an antithesis of the urban, of culture, something that put the romantic spirit again when Urban-Rural Roman dichotomy He opposed the inhabited and the forest.
The forest as a meter, therefore, of the human reactions where each one reflects their obsessions
The narration abounds in winks about literature and even about the profession: “The” Report for an Academy ‘learned to talk to get out of the cage. I preferred words to nature. That’s why I made an editor. That’s why I write. I cling to my notebook like a lifeguard, but write too much and too fast – the type frantic, the spasmodic calligraphy – does not release me, returns me to the cage, “he even gives secret clues:” I read the first pages of some manuscripts and also ninety -nine, as recommended Ford Modox Ford, Any writer strives in the beginning and the end, but the style is exhibited when they are neglected, towards the middle of the book ».
María Fasce, in this novel, resorts to the old artifice of presenting the characters in closed predictions, here a forest, on others an island, a mansion … the result is usually very good, as is the case, when available of well -profiled characters and a very remarkable psychological capacity, although it is here that language sometimes highlights as a lonely jewel.
#forest #María #Fasce #suffering #love