The anti -doping agency opens an investigation for the wrong identification carried out in a 2023 test
Celestino Fernández, Spanish Duathlon Championhe has achieved a strange situation in the world of doping: prove his innocence and get him to raise a five -year sanction. Spanish justice has sentenced that the urine sample analyzed was not theirs.
The exhibition was taken in a competition of 2023, when the Spain Anti -Doping Agency (Celad) was in charge of the Aragonese doctor José Luis Terreros. Celestino Fernández requested a DNA test and justice, after time, has determined that it was not his.
From the Celad there is talk of a ruling in the custody chain and the root of the sentence, the agency has opened an internal investigation in all samples of that competition, in case there were other cases. The sentence proves that there was an identification ruling in the sample.
Celestino Fernández has commented on his Instagram account. «From the first day I resorted to this resolution to the Spanish agency against doping, requesting that a DNA test be carried out to prove my innocence, request that was denied three times, until the agency decided to sanction me for five years in April in April of 2024 ″.
«Through my lawyer I interposed an administrative contentious in the Courts of Madrid against the resolution, and it was a judge magistrate who ordered that the evidence requested (this with the same appeal that the Celad denied three times)« The note.
«In September I was in Madrid performing the relevant analyzes and in November the results arrived: from the urine sample M-24-11006-01-O-1, through the analysis of autosomal STR markers and for the markers from which conclusive results are obtained, they are obtained It obtains a genetic profile of male that is different from the genetic profile obtained from the reference sample of Celestino Fernández Martínez (the urine of the positive is not mine) ».
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