Every day, thousands of people in the world enjoy the delicious taste of nuts, foods with many properties and benefits and that, due to their versatility, can be included in endless recipes. The variety is very wide, from almonds to nuts, through peanuts and pistachios. The latter is one of the most consumed and an excellent source of calcium.
According to a study conducted by the American Pistachio Growersreports that the pistachio is able to contribute to improving mood, especially among younger people. This is due to arginine, an amino acid that contains this dry fruit and that increases the production of nitric oxide. According to experts, nutrients, healthy fats and group B vitamins They play an important role in brain health.
The Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) explains that with respect to vitamins, pistachios are a source of thiamine, vitamin E and folates. Tiamine and folates contribute to psychological function normal while vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative damage. In addition, 100 grams of these nuts provide 180 milligrams of calcium and 611 kcal.
However, this delicious food It is not recommended for all peoplethere are patients who, due to certain diseases, should control pistachio consumption. This dry fruit has two minerals that are potassium and phosphorus and which must be paid special attention if any previous pathology is suffered. Experts especially alert people with chronic kidney diseases.
This fact has a scientific explanation that is related to the Difficulty of the kidneys to process and eliminate these minerals. Once the food is ingested, the body transforms them and generates substances that are eliminated with the help of the kidneys and the digestive system, but if a renal disease is suffered, this organ will not be able to do its work properly and the minerals will accumulate the minerals creating internal problems.
#dry #fruit #avoid #suffer #chronic #kidney #disease