The documentary ‘Laporta Gate – The Reus 2’ case It has been presented this Wednesday by its author, the journalist and producer Andreu Rauet, with the will to denounce the actions that the president of Barcelona would have committed, Joan Laportaand his partner Joan Oliverthat he was general director of the Catalan club, and that ended up assuming the disappearance of the Reus football club. The events occurred between 2016 and 2019, at which time Laporta and Oliver, through their Core Store and CSSB companies, attracted various investors with the promise of transforming the CF Reus Deportiu and exporting the model of La Masía to China, through the purchase of a university club in Pequín, the bit.
To capture investors, Laporta and Oliver had two intermediaries. Sandra Solé and Fernando de Oliveirawho play a key role in the documentary. His confessions reveal the irregularities that Laporta and Oliver would have committed at the head of the project.
In the documentary you can hear the testimony of the Family Tartstwo sisters who invested money in the Reus and who in 2022 denounced Laporta, Olivé, Sandra Solé and Fernando de Oliveira for a alleged crime of aggravated fraud. The Tartas sisters explain in the documentary that they were presented with the investment proposal with the guarantee that behind the project there were important names, such as Joan Laporta, Joan Oliver, Rafa Yuste, the economist and former director of Barça Xavier Sala I Martín. either Toni Cruz’s Trinca comediancurrently responsible for Barça Media.
Like investors did not recover the capital invested, Sandra Solé and Fernando de Oliveira, the intermediaries and trusted people of Laporta, would have offered fictitious work at Barça To investors as currency to settle debt. This is made clear by the cake sisters, who received the proposal very clearly and declined the offer. «’You are going to collect anyway.’ ‘As?’ ‘I thought I’m going to tell Barça to hire you. As you know in Barça they are all involved (…). You can enter you too. ‘ ‘And we, what are we going to do in Barça? (…) ‘You don’t have to go to work. It is simply a contract and you are paying‘», Explain the sisters that the intermediary told them. Fernando de Oliveira had been part of the Barcelona Social Commission during Laporta’s first mandate, and is currently closely linked to the president of Barcelona.
The documentary collects a Sandra Solé confession in which he admits that Joan Laporta would have placed Bryan Bachner in Barça as director of the club offices in Hong Kong, New York, and as director of Barça Vision: “Bryan Bachner is smeared, they have put him as director of Barça in Asia and well quiet”says the intermediary Sandra Solé in the documentary. At the time of the events, Bachner was director of the Chinese club, the BIT, and director of the company that owns the Reus and the BIT, CSSB.
In the documentary also appears Toni Cruz, who would have invested in the project with the will to create a‘Big Brother’ with Chinese players. Given the failure of the project, the documentary explains how Joan Laporta would have allegedly offered a position to Toni Cruz inside Barça Through the Barça Games and Barça Studios Barça divisions.
The documentary also exposes the statement of Joan Laporta before the Court of Instruction number 6 of Barcelona as investigated for this case. In your statement, Laporta confesses its direct link with the reus and affirms in the first person that he received a purchase offer for the Reus and that “we should have sold it.”
Before the judge, Laporta knew how to explain perfectly the project they offered to investors, consisting of the projection of the Reus and the creation of a farmhouse in China with the COPPRA OF THE CHINEY BIT FC University Club. The documentary collects a Laporta statements before the judge in which he affirms in the first person that “we still have the bit.”
The documentary ‘Laporta Gate’, the journalist’s work Andreu Rauet And in which ABC Salvador Sustres and Sergi Font journalists participate, it will be available in YouTube From 10 pm on Wednesday, March 19 at the @laportagate channel. It is the second part of the documentary ‘El Cas Reus’, which was presented in June 2022 and that obtained various recognitions: PERIISME Jove Marc Salvat 2024, Accésit to the Álex Lliteras 2023 Prize for Government D’Escarra, and finalist of the Mañé and Froquer 2022 Awards of the College of Journalists of Catalonia. Rauet has made it clear that so much Lap as Oliver, Sandra Solé or Fernando de Oliveira declined to participate in the documentary.
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