They sing the benefits of Hispanity, and do it in chorus and well tuned from the other side of that Atlantic that united the two extremes of the same empire: the Spanish. In time of clouds that threaten viceregal revenge downpours -which non -colonial, because there was no here for that -three American characters of great historical weight cry in ABC for that need to jump geographical and racial barriers in pursuit of the unit. «Everything that seems to separate Iberians and Americans actually unites us. We are part of a cultural and human duality that does not have to lose their differences, but to harmonize and complement them, ”explains Ituriel Moctezuma, a great -artist of the Aztec emperor that Hernán Cortés faced in the 16th century. He is not the only one. Alfonso Borrego -bisnieto del Apache Gerónimo- and Michael N. Henderson – descendant of a black slave who got freedom two centuries ago thanks to Bernardo de Gálvez – bet on embrapping the benefits of Hispanity. And, incidentally, advocate to banish the old complexes that the so manida has imposed – and tired! – black legend; That on which politicians such as Ernest Urtasun and Claudia Sheinbaum have been based to load against the role of the Spaniards in the New World. “Sorry? I have said it many times: no. That is just a political approach. An apology is the admission of guilt, ”says the American historian also related to the tribal chief. Related NO RELATED NOTE Experts is not chosen at random. The three will be the protagonists of ‘Latin America, a shared future’, a conference that will be held on March 20 and 21 in Madrid and that revolve around the new film by director José Luis López-Linares: ‘We, The Hispanics’. The event, organized by Lopez-Li Films, united by History and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, seeks to claim the inheritance and contribution of Spain in the United States on a key date: the 250th anniversary of its independence. «Spain fought in Pensacola, financed the siege of Yorktown and dealt a decisive blow to the British fleet in the Atlantic that caused the collapse of the London Stock Exchange. This disaster, together with other victories, contributed to the weakening of Great Britain and accelerated the decision to sign peace, ”says ABC Beatriz Paredes Camuñas, president of the United History. Two united worlds first takes the word first. The one who was a candidate for the presidency of Mexico has become one of the greatest defenders of his predecessor. “It is not only necessary to maintain the legacy of Moctezuma Xocoyotzin, but it is an obligation and a moral duty of all Hispanicity,” he explains. In his words, the emperor “wanted a world where Castilla and Tenochtitlan lived and twin their cultures, kingdoms and religions.” What better example of that harmony between two worlds, the new and the old man, which many try to bombard today. “He tolerated the cult of foreigners and listened carefully to the long harangues that the friars made of the Catholic religion to find points in common,” adds Moldes the Tatratatatataranieto de Moctezuma. After five centuries, and despite the differences between their predecessor and Hernán Cortés, it does not hide grudges. «It was someone whom my ancestor, at some point, came to see how a friend and a protected. A character that the Spanish people, in large part, considers a courageous captain. That for me is enough to be at peace with him and his memory, ”he explains. Theirs is to fly that necessary empathy to forge the shared future by which the days cry out. «For me, Hispanity is the complement of Mexicanity. The first is the European component and, the other, the Anahuaca or Aztec of our mestizo society. Both make up something bigger and more powerful that I call Indohispanidad, ”he subscribes.ituriel Moctezuma abcla the main tool to fulfill the dream of a common future, repeats again and again, it is humility:« We must tend each other’s right hand and put the other in our hearts, recognize that Americans and Iberians owe us a second chance to make the things better than our respectable things. Although it also considers it necessary to end the black legend. «It is the history of Spain told by its enemies. It shouldn’t be so. Each town has the right to tell their own national history without the pernicious intervention of voices coming from foreign peoples », complete. He has no taps in this regard: “It is an infamy to speak for others, thus we will avoid telling us lies between nations. And he does it from the same American land in which, he has discovered thanks to his investigations, they lived their ancestors in the 18th century. «In my book, ‘Got Proof!: My Genealogical Journey Through the Use of Documentation’, I tell the story of my ancestor. It was Mathieu Devaux Dit Plan, a member of the New Orleans militia, ”he tells ABC. This soldier of French origin fell in love with Agnes, a black slave, and fought in court to help her buy her freedom. «I have discovered that Bernardo de Gálvez, governor of Louisiana, supported them. As a result, he signed the Manumission (Freedom Document) of which my fourth generation great -grandmother was on December 16, 1779 ”, complete. Michael N. Henderson Abchenderson has dedicated his life to studying our viceregal past, and front -front load against those who equate the English practices with those of the Hispanic monarchy. Both, he says, they had nothing to do with it: «Agnes’s case was not unique. The benefits of using forced labor to maintain economic stability did not go unnoticed by the Spanish rulers, but these had always believed that freedom was the natural state of the human being. That is why they developed the practice of coarctation: the self -capital of freedom ». The data are lapidarians: between 1771 and 1803, according to historian Kimberly Hanger, 452 people resorted to this option. Two days not to forget the Spanish heritage in the US. For two days, a wide range of international experts will participate in several round tables dedicated to analyzing Spanish heritage in the New World. The first, entitled ‘United States, a Spanish -American nation’, will start on Thursday at 19.15 and will feature experts such as Manuel Lucena Giraldo and Gonzalo M. Quintero. On Friday, meanwhile, the role of the Virgin of Guadalupe in North America, the ‘viceregal art and thought’ (12.00), the ‘Hispanic identities in Texas, Louisiana and California’ (13.15) and the heroes and local saints (16.30) will be broken from 10:15. The closure will be carried out by the talk ‘Moctezuma, a mestizo story’ at 18.00. It was not the only measure that raised the crown. It also modified the ‘Black Code’, the restrictive document that regulated forced labor in Louisiana since the beginning of the XVIII. «Spain modified it in 1764 and made it more favorable for the slave population. The new document, with 56 articles, addressed aspects of the daily life of the settlers and regulated the interaction of white Europeans with Africans, American natives and local mestizos, ”he adds. Henderson cannot speak through the mouth of the US president, but adds that, thanks to the amount of hours that has passed in the archives, “appreciates and respects Spain’s contributions to the independence” of his country. Unfortunately, corroborates, there is still black legend. “As the African Proverb says, ‘until the lion has its own narrator, the hunter will always tell the story better,” he concludes. Bisnieto by maternal route of the leader and Guerrero Apache Gerónimo, this historian responds to ABC via email, and shortly before crossing the Atlantic to go to the days held in Madrid. The first questions are the obligatory ones: -How would you define the concept of Hispanity? Should the Hispanic world join in favor of a common future? -For me, Hispanity is our heritage. Hispanics are one even if we choose to identify as one or the other. The reality is that we are linked by blood; Uniting is a personal choice. I think that black legend has put a brake on the unity, but educating the Hispanic world with the truth is the way. Yes it seems to me that there is more concern to show the achievements than to show the truths. Gerónimo’s great -grandson speaks as he thinks: he does not hide the truths. And, despite the years he has dedicated to pointing out and destroying the fallacies against the Spanish Empire, he admits that there is still a long way to go: «In the native communities and in America in general there is the indoctrinated thinking of what Spain did. No one discusses schools, buildings, churches, culture or technology, but very few talk or care about it ». In return, it seems that society only wants to soak up the lies forged by the enemies of the Hispanic monarchy. Alfonso Borrego Abcborrego also opens a underground debate, that of the evolution of the concept of black legend. «Everyone needs to understand the truth about it, especially Spain itself. Today I feel it is difficult to distinguish what it is. It has been transformed into a matter of what Spain achieved in America, instead of what was blamed, ”although what most scale our interviewee is that sick obsession that some politicians show because Spain apologizes for the conquest. «I have said it many times: no. Spain was in what today is Mexico for 300 years. Mexico has been in charge of a little more than 200. And remember, they were all Spaniards the day before, ”he concludes.
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