Four Michelin stars, four restaurants and named Best Chef in the World for three years, although he loses that title in 2024, there is no doubt that Dabiz Muñoz is one of the most important chefs at the national and international level.
In addition to his professional life, the Madrid chef also draws attention personally by being a couple with the presenter Cristina Pedroche, with whom he leads a decade of relationship and they have a daughter together, named Laia.
However, like every celebrity, Dabiz Muñoz also has a past before jumping to stardom and, in his history, there was a very important couple for him before ‘La Pedroche’. It is about his ex-wife Ángela Monterowith which the chef began his journey with his first restaurant.
It was 2003 when Ángela and Dabiz met, beginning a path that, years later, would lead to what is now DiverXO, but that began in the Madrid neighborhood of Tetuán from a small establishment. Muñoz himself revealed that He slept on the floor of the business with his ex-partner to move the business forward. Such was Angela’s involvement in it that her parents would have contributed money in 2007 to help financially in the projectalso becoming the chef’s partner.
The career that Ángela Caballero gave up for Dabiz Muñoz
The relationship began when they were very young and when the chef was not yet known, however, his passion was so great that until his then partner, Ángela, gave up her promising career as a professional dancer to be the Madrid native’s greatest support. Already married, when the restaurant was first launched, he was in the kitchen and she took on the role of manager and head of the roompresenting her husband’s creations to the diners.
The venture began to bear fruit and the chef was named Revelation Chef at Madrid Fusión and, when he was given the first of the four Michelin stars he has today, Dabiz Muñoz moved DiverXO to a larger location in 2009. During those years, the cook never hesitated to recognize the efforts that Ángela made for him and considered her his great support. In 2013 he received his third star and the couple decided to divorcewithout knowing the reasons then or now, after four years of marriage and ten years of relationship.
Away from the spotlight and focused on your current business
After seeing how her ex-partner continued to succeed and became more and more famous, Angela, for her part, decided to completely separate himself from the XO universe, from the media world and return to a life more related to the professional career that he left behind when he met Dabiz Muñoz.
Although she returned to dancing, the business she runs today is not specifically dance, since Montero founded a pilates studio with her friend Águeda Murillo in 2021, in the heart of Madrid, according to ‘Lecturas’ magazine.
Their professionalism and experience have kept the business running today, as reflected in the company’s social networks. pilates studio, ‘Studio A’in which they share their achievements and their followers and clients express their admiration for this project of Dabiz Muñoz’s ex-wife, who no longer seems to have anything in common with him.
The only remnant of her past related to the hospitality industry, according to the aforementioned magazine, would be that Ángela shares some restaurant recommendations and reviews on his personal Instagram account, which is privatebut, for the moment, he has never commented on any of the Madrid chef’s establishments.
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