The creative freedom of a confessed murderer

One of the elements that are most chilling in the story of José Breton, which has transcended the media as part of the controversial book by Luisgé Martín, is the time when he murdered his two children of 2 and 6 years. In doing so, talk about these little ones, their own children, as if they were strange objects towards those who feel no emotion, neither empathy or love. At no time for the murderer, José Breton, his children cared. He did not see them as human beings, like two helpless children full of life. For the murderer of those little ones were the medium, the instrument, the weapon with which it was going to cause the greatest possible damage to the woman (mother of the kids) who had asked for divorce three weeks before. And so it was. Ruth Ortiz suffered the greatest aggression that a mother woman can suffer, that her children are killed in the way they were by the man who had been her partner.

Of the fragments that we so far know, frayed and somewhat effective, the objective that is now said of the book that Luisgé Martín writes is disturbing, in which the criminal and his crime are given. José Breton might seem to be repentant, but nevertheless regrets his bad luck because the bodies were found and he was arrested. There is no real reflection or regret in what has so far transcended, rather there is still grudges and spite of the woman who decided to separate from him. This fact, that of Breton’s revenge to his ex -wife, is what comes to mind all the time while I read a news and another about the publication of the book “Hate”. And that revenge, which 14 years ago Breton looked against his wife, is the one that gives off Luisgé Martín’s book.

#creative #freedom #confessed #murderer

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