The Court prevents an abuser from entering prison despite not undergoing the re-education program imposed on him

Thursday, November 2, 2023, 10:04

The Third Section of the Provincial Court has revoked the order issued by a Criminal Court in Cartagena for an abuser to go to prison. This body, as LA TRUTH has learned, had ordered that a man convicted of habitual abuse of his partner go to prison after he, who had a prison sentence on standby, failed to comply with one of the requirements of that suspension: undergo an equality re-education program.

The court has admitted the appeal that his defense lawyer, Antonio Casado Mena, presented against the court order that ordered his immediate entry into prison. The lawyer maintained, among other arguments, that the defendant was not duly informed by his previous lawyer and that the order of entry into prison arrived when there were barely 26 days left for the defendant to complete the two-year period of suspension of the sentence without having committed any crime.

Intention to do it

The Court agrees with the defense lawyer and revokes that order of entry into prison. The court maintains that the fact that the defendant did not attend the program is not a sufficient reason to annul the suspension of the sentence since the man has shown his intention to carry out this training, he has not committed new crimes in this period and has not breached the order preventing him from approaching or communicating with the victim. “We understand,” the Chamber emphasizes, “that the appellant is still entitled to a second chance.”

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