The Mixed Commission for Relations with the Court of Audit analyze the economic situation and … hiring of the National Oncological Research Center (CNIO), public body under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. This report must include the institution’s data from 2018 to 2024, coinciding these dates with the arrival of Pedro Sánchez to the presidency of the Government. This PP request is carried out after the dismissal of the scientific director of the institution, María Blasco, due to the scandals about the acquisition of works of art and the harassment of harassment by workers of the center.
In this way, the inspection of the CNIO accounts was approved yesterday thanks to the 20 votes in favor of 14 against.
The popular deputy María Pilar Alía showed her concern about the “discredit” suffered by the center from the arrival of Blasco to the institution. This concern «is accentuated by the absence of control of its accounts, which may have led to the increase in arbitrary decisions For those who directed it», Defended the deputy yesterday during her speech.
Before the proposition of the PP, the Socialists also presented a petition for the realization of the report of the institution but, unlike those of Núñez Feijóo, from 2011 to 2024, the years in which the researcher Alicantina served as director of the CNIO. This was rejected in vote.
“From the arrival of María Blasco to the Foundation, the accounts do not come out, the losses multiply and reach 4.5 million accumulated deficit,” Alía denounced. In addition, he recalled that the management of the former director is “under suspicion” for the alleged diversion of funds for “matters outside scientific research”
The PSOE confirmed through the deputy Marta Branzano that there was no “problem” with the proposal made by the PP, but that “would like to expand it and that it was since 2011 and not since 2018.”
Blasco was dismissed from his position on January 29 by the Board of Trustees due to the controversies discovered by ABC. In December 2024, this newspaper revealed the superhosto by the institution for the purchase of works of art and activities «artistic»That they have nothing to do with the activity of the organism. In addition, during that same month, this newspaper published information about travel costs to exhibitions in the Arctic, USA and Mozambique, officially calculated in more than 20,000 euros.
On María Blasco, it was discovered that she was forced to return 90,000 euros that she charged more as a “bonus” of 30,000 euros per year during the years 2016, 2017 and 2018. The accumulation of complaints for work harassment to investigators and center staff against it was also revealed.
The information published by ABC caused the closure of the art department and the posterior dismissal of Blasco, which led his wife to star in an attempt to harass against the art criticism of this newspaper in Arco. Now, thanks to the approval of the proposition for inspection investigation, any irregularity during the mandate of María Blasco in the Cnio will come to light.
#Court #Accounts #control #CNIO #María #Blasco #accumulation #anomalies #denounced