The Plenary of Congress has voted on Tuesday in favor of the taking into consideration of a law to modify the maximum alcohol consumption allowed at the wheel, an initiative promoted by the Socialist Party and backed by the investiture block. PP has abstained and Vox has voted against: 177 votes in favor, 135 abstentions and 32 votes against.
According to the text that now begins their parliamentary path, drivers will not be able to drive with a rate greater than 0.1 milligrams of alcohol per liter of exhaled air, or 0.2 milligrams per liter in blood. That value will already involve a loss of two card points. From 0.5 mg by air the penalty will be four points and six points between 0.5 and one gram.
The text also proposes sanctions to those who disseminate by any means, both public and private, information on the location of police and drug police controls, speed or “for any other established for reasons of road safety.” The person responsible for the infraction will be the natural person that disseminates the content, although it is served for this platforms or services of the information society, or it is renovations of redifusions with origin in other data or information of the third Socialists
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