Traveling to Toledo and sitting on one of his terraces is also synonymous with enjoying one of his most emblematic tapas: Carcamusas. There is no dish that better represents this area of Spain, that is a fact. This typical recipe of Castilla La-Mancha is consumed mainly during the winter season, since it is usual to find it in a small clay casserole, always well warm and accompanied by potatoes, tomato sauce and its slight spicy touch.
As they say, to know the origin of this recipe we have to go back in the mid -twentieth century, specifically to the Plaza de la Magdalena, in Toledo. It was there, in the Ludeña barwhere José Ludeña invented this dish. His name also keeps a curious story and it is said that he put it in honor of the people who frequented the place: Medium -age or “carcas” men accompanied by younger women, which some called their “muses.” Be legend or reality, the truth is that this dish arrived in Toledo to stay.
In addition to its delicious flavor, this dish is also an excellent source of proteins of high biological value, vitamin B and minerals such as iron.
The step by step
- 500 g of pork
- 100 g of chorizo
- 100 g of serrano ham
- 1 onion
- 1 chilli
- 1 garlic clove
- 500 ml of fried tomato sauce
- 2 tablespoons of peas
- 125 ml of white wine
- Olive oil
- Salt
- In a saucepan, throw a little olive oil and add the chilli. Fry for a couple of minutes and then retire it.
- Chop the meat and dora with the fire very strong for a few minutes. The meat has to be well golden and juicy inside. Then, sprain and reserve.
- In the same pan, we brown the garlic and well chopped onion. We put the meat again and incorporate the white wine. Let cook over high heat until it starts boiling. Then we lower the heat to a minimum and leave another 10 minutes until the wine is consumed.
- Add the chorizo, the ham and, a couple of minutes later, the peas.
- Add the tomato sauce and let it finish cooking the meat with the fire to a minimum for about 30 minutes. It must be very tender.
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