The Bullfighting Council of the Community of Madrid, chaired by Carlos Novillo, has given the green light this noon to the posters of San Isidro presented by Plaza 1, the company of Rafael García Garrido, Simón Casas and Víctor Zabala. «Approved the 28 celebrations, which will bring together the main livestock and bullfighting figures. Where? In sales, the first bullring in the world, where culture is defended in freedom, ”said Novillo. It was a meeting with droplets when Miguel Abellán said goodbye as the managing director of the Center, who is now in the hands of Miguel Martín.
The fair will be official this Thursday at a gala broadcast by Telemadrid, which will also television the isidrile celebrations, marked by the absence for the first time in three decades of a private operator (Channel Plus First, Movistar later and the last two years OneToro).

Carlos Novillo presided over the Council, with Miguel Abellán to his right
The fair, which will begin on Friday, May 9 and will end on Sunday, June 8, consists of 23 runs on foot, two of rejones and three bullfights. In the cycle, with combinations for all tastes, the highest figure, Andrés Roca Rey, and the Morante Genius -fertilizer, in the press run and in a strange beneficence -, like Castella, Manzanares, will double Talavante or Juan Ortega, author of the great 2024 task in Seville (his hand in hand with Aguado in Madrid is one of the greatest attractions). There will be more doubles, such as Luque, Aguado or Robleño, in the year of his farewell. Diego Ventura will do it, in front of the absence of Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza.
Three Walks Raw Emilio de Justo, Borja Jiménez, Fernando Adrián, Tomás Rufo, Miguel Ángel Perera and Paco Ureña. And a Marco Pérez set, the so -called ‘prodigy child’ is marked alone.
Confirmations are not lacking, in the case of Alejandro Chicharro, Diego San Román, Alejandro Peñaranda, Ismael Martín or Rafa Serna, surprising for his little baggage.
This is how all the combinations of the fair have remained:
Friday, May 9. Victoriano of the River for Alejandro Talavante, Juan Ortega y Clemente, who confirms alternative.
Saturday 10. Bulls of El Pilar for Diego Urdiales, David Galván and Víctor Hernández.
Sunday 11. Bulls of Araúz de Robles for Morenito de Aranda, Jiménez Fortes and Adrián de Torres.
Tuesday 13. Alcurrucén steers for Sergio Sánchez, Aarón Palacio and Javier Zulueta.
Wednesday 14. Yeltes Pedraza Bulls for Román, Jesús Enrique Colombo and Isaac Fonseca.
Thursday 15 (San Isidro holiday). Bulls by José Enrique Fraile de Valdefresno for Paco Ureña, David Galván and Alejandro Chicharro, who confirms alternative.
Friday 16. Toros del Puerto de San Lorenzo for José María Manzanares, Fernando Adrián and Pablo Aguado.
Saturday 17. Bulls of Capea for Rui Fernandes, Diego Ventura and Léa Vicens.
Sunday 18. Bulls of the fifth for Uceda Leal, Daniel Luque and Emilio de Justo.
Tuesday 20. Count of Mayalde for Fabio Jiménez, Mene and Tomás Bastos.
Wednesday 21. Bulls of Fuente Ymbro for Miguel Ángel Perera, Paco Ureña and Ginés Marín.
Thursday 22 (Press run). Garigrande bulls for Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante and Tomás Rufo.
Friday 23. Bullfight of the bullfighter for Diego Urdiales, Roca Rey and Rafa Serna, which confirms alternative.
Saturday 24. Bulls of Juan Pedro Domecq for Juan Ortega and Pablo Aguado, hand in hand.
Sunday 25. Bulls of El Parralejo for Miguel Ángel Perera, Fernando Adrián and Tomás Rufo.
Tuesday 27. Bulls of Dolores Aguirre for Fernando Robleño, Damián Castaño and Juan de Castilla.
Wednesday 28. Toros de Alcurrucén for Sebastián Castella, Miguel Ángel Perera and Daniel Luque.
Thursday 29. Victoriano of the River for Emilio de Justo, Roca Rey and Tomás Ruffo.
Friday 30. Steers of Fuente Ymbro and El Freixo for Marco Pérez, the only sword.
Saturday 31. Bulls of the Spartales for Diego Ventura, Sebastián Fernández, who confirms alternative, and Duarte Fernandes.
Sunday, June 1. Fuente Ymbro bulls for Curro Díaz, Román and Diego San Román, which confirms alternative.
Tuesday 3. Bulls of José School for Esau Fernández, Gómez del Pilar and Miguel de Pablo.
Wednesday 4. Toros de Lagunajanda for Joselito Adame, Manuel Escribano and Alejandro Peñaranda, who confirms alternative.
Thursday 5. Jandilla and Vegahermosa bulls for Sebastián Castella, Manzanares and Borja Jiménez.
Friday 6. Bulls of Count of Mayalde for the Fandi, Ismael Martín, which confirms alternative, and Samuel Navalón.
Saturday 7. Toros by Adolfo Martín for Antonio Ferrera, Fernando Robleño and Manuel Escribano.
Sunday 8 (Cumshot of charity). Bulls of Juan Pedro Domecq for Morante de la Puebla, Fernando Adrián and Borja Jiménez.
Sunday 15 (in memoriam by Victorino Martín). Victorino bulls for Paco Ureña, Emilio de Justo and Borja Jiménez.
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#Bullfighting #Council #approves #San #Isidro #Fair #posters