The army ha displayed This Wednesday two warships in waters of the Strait before the appearance in the area of a Russian submarine. This has been revealed by the General Staff of Defense in its X account, where it ensures that the Patrolman Atalaya and the Maritime Action Ship (BAM) Tornado They are performing the follow-up from the ship through the Atlantic coast until its entry into the Mediterranean. As they point out in the social media profile, through these operations “they guard the maritime spaces of interest.”
As detailed by the Ministry of Defense on its website, the BAM Tornado It is the fourth and last of a series of four ships built by the San Fernando factory of the Navantia company. The ship has a 24.5 meter flight cover by 13.5 meters and a Hangar for a helicopter and also has a cannon 76/62 otto-melara, two machine guns Mk 38 mod 2a and Four Lanzachaff SRBOC MK36.
This ship carries out maritime action missions of military nature related to sea control against asymmetric or conventional threats of small entity, mainly in low intensity scenarios, through the development of Presence committed (deterrence) and maritime surveillance (prevention) as well as limited neutralization actions, framed in the current maritime security scenarios.
The patrolman Watchtoweron the other hand, it is the fourth and last ship of the Serviola class. His Construction began in December 1989 in the factory of the National Company Bazán (currently Grupo Navantia) in Ferrol, and was delivered to the Navy on June 29, 1992. It is based in the Naval Station of La Graña (Ferrol) and operates directly to the orders of the orders of the Head of the Ferrol Maritime Action Command.
The ship, specially designed to Navigate at high seas during prolonged periods of time and with states of the sea to the thick sea without a significant degradation of its abilities. They have a flight cover that allows you to operate with medium -sized helicopters, a Hospital with six beds and two semi rigid vessels. It also has a canyon and two 12.7 millimeter browning machine guns.
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