The Andalusian government has temporarily calm the discomfort of representative unions in the National Police (Jupol, Sup, CEP, UFP and SPP), which had threatened to convene mobilizations if the Junta de Andalucía and the Ministry of Interior did not soon make decisions regarding to the situation of the attached unit of the National Police to the Board, which summarizes in “bleeding from troops” and “poor management.” Important novelties there are no, but a meeting this week of the Minister of the Presidency, Antonio Sanz, and his team with the agents representatives concluded with the Board’s commitment to create “in the next few days” a work table to try to Solve police claims, which are not recent, but come from a long time back. ”
The problem of the Autonomous Police would be summarized as follows: The Ministry of Interior has not summoned the vacancies available in the assigned unit of Andalusia arguing that it is necessary to sign a new agreement with the Andalusian Executive to have the necessary legal coverage that allows the arrival of the arrival of New police. And the firm does not arrive, nor is it date, but the “good predisposition” of the counselor has made the police claim courage calm, as transferred to Andalusia the federal secretary of the unity assigned by SUP, Antonio López . “There is no conflict between both parties, on the contrary, we work with common objectives and in tune,” sources of the Ministry say after the meeting.
The responses to the consultations of this newspaper to the administrations are positive. However, the case is that the agreement has been expired since December 2010. The president of the Board, Juan Manuel Moreno, urged the Ministry of Interior in An act at the end of last November to sign “before the end of the year” an agreement between the two administrations to extend the human means that the collective has been claiming. Sources from the Ministry of the Presidency indicate that they continue to “hop” the department led by Fernando Grande-Marlaska. On the other hand, from Interior it is indicated that there is a “total disposition” to sign the new agreement and that the conversations between the two administrations “have advanced a lot and are on the right track.”
“Severe process of loss of human resources”
The tasks that this regional police exercise are framed in protection of buildings and authorities, environment, historical heritage, protection of minors, games and shows, or surveillance and application of the regional regulations. “Now we are half” of the 725 positions to be covered, according to the catalog of jobs (CPT), the “lowest” percentage of all attached units and cooperation existing in Spain. The National Police attached unit in Andalusia had almost 500 agents in 2013 and “since then has suffered a constant and serious process of loss of human resources,” the unions claim.
According to Antonio López, of the SUP, “are many years” with the same claims “many times for bureaucratic issues” although “some have been giving solution.” The meeting with the counselor came out with “good feeling” despite the “obvious lack of personnel” that drags the unit and “shows in each Andalusian province.” “The last entrance contest was convened in 2012 and the requirements for our services remain the same,” he adds.
López is confident that the Board of progress to “alleviate our problems” while the “interest” of the Autonomous Administration in renewing the agreement with Interior, which is the one who until now “has given long” to the Andalusian government. Therefore, the agents will “exhaust possibilities” of progress after the commitment acquired by the Board, for which “there are no deadlines,” says López.
“Collapse of services”
For his part, the Secretary General of Institutional Relations of the UFP in Andalusia, Víctor Manuel Sepúlveda, insists that the situation of the attached unit is “collapse of services” due to the “lack of personnel.” “There are companions who retire or change their destination, but the positions are not covered,” summarizes, emphasizing that it is “a political problem”, “a strip and loaf in which they do not agree” but that He has generated that they are currently “half of the agents” of those provided for in the CPT, says the UFP provincial secretary in Seville.
The moment of signing an agreement “seems never to come because the political leaders of the security of the Andalusians-the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, and the advisor of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Antonio Sanz – have not been able to put the security of the citizens of Andalusia above the party disagreements, ”summarized the unions a few days ago in a joint statement from which they got a meeting to be held directly with the counselor Sanz.
The unions had warned that “after months in which the attitude of the Board” had been “to close any door to dialogue” were preparing to initiate “a public campaign of complaint that will include concentrations until it is possible to create a negotiating table Between the police unions and the Andalusian executive, “something that will finally occur” in the next few days “according to the aforementioned sources of both parties.
A “bleeding of troops”, denounced, for the “passivity” and “lack of commitment” of both governments, to whom they distribute guilt despite the fact that the operation is the exclusive competence of the Board and who ultimately depend. Specifically, it is a police appeal provided for in the Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia and that was born from the agreement reached by the State and the Board in December 1992. From the ministerial order that formally created it in August 1993, the consensus Between Moncloa and San Telmo it allowed to sign successive extensions on up to five times without, since December 2010, date on which the validity of the last signed agreement expired, stability has been made to “a project that will not have a future if it does not stop and that systematic loss of troops. ”
Advance diets
The unions have also denounced situations that affect the remuneration rights of the agents destined in the attached unit, which are “forced to advance the money for the displacements they perform in the act of service to deployment such as the deployment as the Del Rocío, the Infoca Plan or the Jerez Motorcycling Championship, ”they have lamented. “That unprecedented situation is even more serious if we take into account that sometimes those amounts have not been returned until one year has elapsed,” they say.
“Economic Bad” and the “bad management of the Headquarters” of this police unit that is the responsibility of the Board also affects the amounts of the salary accessories that the agents perceive, in such a way that “police of the same scale can charge up to 8,000 euros annually than others for a system assignment system that remains in the hands of the subjective criteria of certain controls and that has a direct impact ”on wages. Likewise, the so -called complement gratification for belonging to this unit “was never updated since its creation”, that is, more than thirty years, so “the Junta de Andalucía is allowed to have the luxury of having police officers for less of 300 euros a month per agent and that are charged past more than four months. ”
Also in the competence of the Board, the unions regret that is not chaired by transparency and merits. ” This way of operating by those responsible for the attached unit and those of the Ministry of Presidency “openly faces what all national police unions defend: a fair and objective system in which no arbitrariness or whim by the administration ”.
Jupol, SUP, CEP and UFP unions, which represent most national police officers of the attached unit and all other templates in the body in Andalusia, require the Sanz counselor “to adopt the necessary measures in their competence to put end to mismanagement because from the breach of its Secretary of Interior, David Gil, for meeting with all the unions was in broken sack. ” “Otherwise, and after months in which the attitude of the Board has been to close any door to the dialogue, we will initiate a public campaign of complaint that will include concentrations until it is possible to create a negotiating table between the police unions and the Executive Andalusian, ”they have warned.
“We will be where it is an improvement to the collective”
From the reformist police union (SRP), also consulted by this newspaper, “the need for more police” assigned to the Board is reiterated. Before the meeting, in which they had no representation, they commented that they supported “all mobilization in favor of improvements of the National Police.” Despite not being a representative union, “as a trade union organization we will be where it involves an improvement to the collective”, reiterating “the need for more police officers assigned to the Junta de Andalucía.” “We find a catalog of obsolete position that is 2008, but at the same time, for about 12 years, squares have not been called again in the aforementioned unit attached to Andalusia,” they affect.
Sources from this organization ask for “that the totality” of the CPT is covered and that “at least 150 police officers are covered immediately.” “It cannot be the unity of assigned of Andalusia that has to endure the burden of non -understanding between the central and the autonomous government, being both of different political color,” they say.
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