It is a diuretic, so it purifies toxins from the body; facilitates digestion and the correct functioning of the intestine, combating heartburn, abdominal distension and gastrointestinal spasms; minimizes menstrual cramps; It is antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant… All these healthy advantages and some more are brought to us by fennel, a very popular wild plant in Spain.
In cooking, fennel has been used for thousands of years in legume stews and stews such as lentils, to which it provides that very particular aniseed touch. In infusion, the most common way to consume it, this herb is capable of treating countless problems, while comforting and strengthening the immune system.
Fennel, sweet or wild?

Fennel is a plant that has been cultivated for centuries in the Mediterranean basin, which in addition to giving flavor to numerous cuisine dishes, also provides healthy benefits when taken as an infusion. from fennel everything is used, from the stem to the seedsand there are two varieties: wild and sweet.
As for wild fennel, it grows spontaneously and only the stems and seeds are useful, for the purpose of flavor some recipes traditional. The sweet is a vegetable, with a fleshy and tender bulb that is bought between autumn and early summer.
These are the properties of fennel infusion

Like many other herbs in infusion, fennel (of which its seeds are incorporated) has a satiating effect, which helps to limit intake and maintain a healthy weight. But the real superpower of this wild plant is its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory contribution. Thanks to them, it contributes to better digestion and combats flatulence, while detoxifying the body and preventing abdominal bloating.
As for its high content of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, it is highly recommended to keep the skin in good condition, in addition to considerably strengthening the immune system. His potassium intakeIn addition, it helps control blood pressure levels. In the case of women, the relief of menstrual pain is another of its essential contributions.
Fennel is also an expectorant and fluidifying agent, which means that the infusion of this plant is beneficial for the expulsion of mucus in cases of bronchitis. It also has antiseptic, healing, and relief properties when used topically after an insect bite.
Does fennel infusion have any contraindications?

Although the fennel plant is basically safe, it has some contraindications in children or pregnant womenpopulation groups in which its adverse effects have not been proven, but neither have its beneficial effects, which is why professionals recommend not ingesting it.
In its essential oil formulation, fennel is not recommended for people undergoing hormonal treatmentsas well as in patients with Parkinson’s, irritable bowel syndrome or gastritis. If in doubt, experts always recommend taking fennel as an infusion rather than as an essential oil.
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