On March 18, the Congress of Deputies took into consideration the proposal of law on the reduction of the maximum alcohol rate in driving After having the support of most of the lower house. In addition, the proposal of law was also approved to prohibit the dissemination of the location of controls in social networks.
In relation to the breathalyzer limit that is expected to enter into force in the coming months, This is reduced to only 0.10 mg/l in exhaled air already 0.2 g/l in bloodalso, overcoming that figure already supposes the loss of points.
What fine will fall for 0.11 mg/l?
In this case, inflation will be classified as serious by the DGT, which implies a sanction of a minimum of 200 euros and the detraction of two points of the driving license. In addition, if you throw a result between 0.25 mg/Ly 0.50 mg/l in exhaled air, between 0.5 g/ly 1 g/l in blood, you will lose 4 points of the license and the economic amount will be greater.
Finally, in the event that you exceed 0.50 mg/l in air and 1 g/l in blood, The infraction will become very seriousso you will lose six points of the card and if the result is higher you could incur a crime against road safety typified in the Criminal Code.
From what result the breathalyzer is a crime?

The Spanish Criminal Code specifies in the Article 379 that will commit a crime against road safety “The one that drives with an alcohol rate in exhaled air greater than 0.60 milligrams per liter or with an alcohol rate in blood greater than 1.2 grams per liter.”
Besides, The same article establishes A “imprisonment of three to six months or with that of a fine of six to twelve months or with the work for the benefit of the community of thirty -one to ninety days, and, in any case, with the deprivation of the right to drive motor vehicles and cyclomotor for a time greater than one and up to four years” for exceeding the previous number of a motor vehicle or cyclomotor.
How many beers are enough to positively with the new alcohol rate?
According to the alcoholic beverage equivalence table and the breathalyzer rate published by the DGT in 2022, drink a third of beer (330 ml) can make a man between 70 and 90 kg scope between 0.21 and 0.28 mg/l of alcohol in exhaled air. In the case of a woman who weighs between 50 and 70 kg, the figure would be even greater, placing between 0.34 and 0.48 mg/l.
With the new limit that the DGT will establish at 0.1 mg/l in exhaled air, it will be enough to drink Only a fifth of beer (200 ml) to give positive In an breathalyzer control. Similarly, a glass of wine (100 ml), which can generate between 0.16 and 0.20 mg/l, would also exceed this new top, while before it could be driven after consuming that amount. In short, this new measure implies that the safest will be not to drink absolutely anything if it is going to drive.
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