The Aemet predicts that the rains will continue throughout the Peninsula and puts 9 provinces on notice

Nine provinces in the south and west of the peninsula continue this Tuesday with a warning due to heavy rains. Precipitation is expected to be more abundant in the southwest quadrant, with significant accumulations in the west of the Central system, Extremadura and western Andalusia, where they could be locally strong and accompanied by storms. On the other hand, rainfall is less probable and less intense is expected in the Cantabrian Sea, the northeastern third and other Mediterranean areas.

Rain is expected with a special impact in Huelva, where there is an orange alert (significant risk) for accumulations of 30 liters in one hour or 90 liters in 12 hours, as reported by the State Meteorological Agency, Aemet. In Andalusia there is an orange level on the coast of Huelva, in the region of Aracena and in Andévalo and Condado due to rains of 30 liters in one hour or 90 liters in 12 hours, and a yellow alert (risk) for storms with the possibility of tornadoes or tornadoes. marine, while Seville is in yellow due to rainfall of 25 liters in one hour or 70 liters in 12 hours in the northern mountains and in the countryside. The Aemet warns that in both Andalusian provinces, accumulations of up to 180 liters per square meter are expected throughout the episode, which is expected to last until Wednesday.

Galicia maintains the warning in A Coruña and in Pontevedra due to accumulations of 15 liters in one hour, with the probability of being accompanied by a storm. Ávila and Salamanca (Castilla y León) have a yellow alert due to rain in the southern part of both provinces that will leave 40 liters in 12 hours, although locally the accumulated amount of 120 liters may be exceeded until Wednesday and in Castilla-La Mancha only Toledo There is a rain warning in the San Vicente mountains, where 40 liters are expected in 12 hours.

All of Extremadura continues in yellow due to rains of 15 liters in one hour in the south of Badajoz and in the Guadiana plains; In the rest of the community, up to 40 liters will accumulate in 12 hours and 120 liters until Wednesday, especially in areas of the north of Cáceres, Tajo and Alagón.

The passage of the Garoe storm puts the entire Canary archipelago at the yellow level due to combined seas from the northwest with waves of 4 to 5 meters. Garoe will leave cloudy skies and precipitation on the islands of greater relief, which will be more abundant on La Palma, and which are not expected to affect the easternmost islands. With the orange alert there is a significant meteorological risk, with a certain degree of danger for usual activities, and with the yellow alert there is no meteorological risk for the general population, although there is for some specific activity.

In addition, they are expected in the form of light snowfall in the Pyrenees, although they are not ruled out on the summits of other mountain systems in the northern half with a level higher than between 1,800 and 2,000 meters. In the Canary Islands, it is also expected to affect one of the fronts of the storm, leaving cloudy skies and precipitation on the islands with greater relief, which will be more abundant on La Palma, and which are not expected to affect the easternmost islands.

General increase in temperatures

As for temperatures, which will increase practically across the board, notable increases are expected in large areas of the Peninsula, except in a good part of the northeastern third, where they will not suffer major changes.

Frosts will be restricted to the Pyrenees, and may reach moderate levels, and will not be ruled out locally in other mountain environments in the northeastern half.

The winds are forecast to be weak from the east and southeast in the northeastern third of the peninsula, with a predominance of winds from the south and southwest in the rest of the country. Strong intervals are likely on the coasts of western Galicia, the Gulf of Cádiz and the Canary Islands, as well as very strong gusts on the peaks of La Palma, without ruling out the mountains of the southeast of the peninsula.

#Aemet #predicts #rains #continue #Peninsula #puts #provinces #notice

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