The State Meteorology Agency (AEMET) has presented a letter in which complaint to filtration of an incomplete audio of the conversation of one of its Meteorologists and a 112 Valencian Community technique on the morning of Dana Day in case any crime could have been committed.
As has advanced and have confirmed knowledgeable sources of the matter, in a communication signed by the president of the AEMET, María José Rallo, it is stated that this conversation occurred “in the context of a management of one emergencyand, therefore, it is protected by the provisions of the aforementioned article 53.3, being information of reserved characterwith the strict purpose of managing the emergency occurred and being its dissemination restricted in the terms of the aforementioned law ».
Therefore, the State Agency informs the Public Ministry in case of such facts “could be constituting crimeall without prejudice to the eventual affectation to personal data that said filtration has been able to generate »to the worker.
Last February, it already transpired that Aemet raised the possibility of denouncing the dissemination – the 12th of that month – of the audio of one of its workers and a technique of the service of Emergencies of the Generalitat 112 The day of the Dana that swept a large part of the province of Valencia. In fact, he sent his staff an internal communication after several media published the audio with an excerpt from the conversation.
The Secretary of State accused Mazón of “manipular”
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, echoed that audio, which reproduced in his account of social network X with the phrase: “Aemet’s call to the Generalitat at 12:08 of October 29:” We are not going to dizzy with more notices. ” For his part, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Hugo Moránhe launched another message in the same social network in which he stated: «Mazónon the verge of crime, manipulating the audios of 112 ».
Aemet herself made public a statement in her X account in which she explained that audio in which she details that the meteorologist “transfers, as corresponds to the exercise of her functions, which at 12.01 noon the forecasts ‘in the morning'” and that “no changes have been made” have been confirmed.
Therefore, “he indicated that the prediction was maintained and that They reaffirmed the Notices of Red level by torrential rainfall that had been activated for the province of Valencia between 7,36 and 9.41 in the morning ». In addition, he explained that throughout that morning “conversations had been held between the two agencies to” promptly inform the situation. “
“Threats or discredit attempts”
In communication to its workers, the agency advanced its will to “protect all personnel from attacks from different areas, especially social networks,” and expressed their solidarity especially with those who have suffered “Threats or discredit attempts »for doing your job properly.
He also showed all his support for the affected predictor – whose work was “impeccable” – and lamented the “manipulated and misrepresented use” that was made of this conversation, while reiterating that the information that was transmitted from Aemet in the day of the tragic ravine was “clear, precise and of great value” so that the emergency services could later make decisions.
Susana Camarero does not value “judicial issues”
The vice president and spokesman of the Consell, Susana Camarero, He has rejected on Monday to assess the letter presented by the AEMET to the Prosecutor for the filtration of the incomplete audio between one of his workers and 112 on October 29 or the Person of the association You are missing as a particular accusation in the cause of the Dana. “We don’t talk about judicial issues,” he justified.
Waiter, at the press conference to inform the issues addressed in the Plenary of the Consell, has thus rejected the aforementioned complaint if any crime could have been committed.
Nor has he wanted to comment on the personation announcement of the SOS disappeared association as a private accusation in the Catarroja Court (Valencia) in name of 70 fatalities De la Dana, represented by more 170 relatives, one third of the total.
“In both cases, and as we have said in each of the occasions that have asked us about any issue that has to do with judicial instructions, we do not talk about anything that has to do with a judicial issue,” he said.
#AEMET #denounces #Prosecutors #Office #filtration #Generalitat #incomplete #audio #day #Dana