What they have said so much Anne Hathawey as Emily Blunt about her training with Monique Eastwood over the last few years not only has to do with its positive effects on the body, since one of the keys to this method, as the actresses have revealed on their social networks and in their interviews, is which helps improve strength, body awareness, flexibility and endurance. Both show strong, beautiful and slender figures on the red carpet, but their appearance is not the result of luck or genetics, since they have worked hard, showing off their constancy, discipline and effortas can be seen from the motivating messages that Eastwood dedicates through his Instagram account, (@moniqueeastwood), both to them and to other celebrities with whom he trains as Hayley Atwell, Ruth Wilson Greta Gerwig and the actor Stanley Tucci. Not in vain, this 57-year-old personal trainer and professional dancer has been working and perfecting her ‘My Movement Methode’ for more than 35 years, which combines Pilates principles, dance movements and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). acronym in English); and that places special emphasis on technique. «Many of the people who work with me claim that they are fitter and stronger than ever thanks to the exercise they do with me. They feel safer, more positive and with more energy. And they also move more freely and are more aware of the movement of their body,” he reveals.
But his method is not only within the reach of a privileged few in hollywoodbut it has an online training program (Eastwoodfit) that can be followed from home; and also occasionally participates in withdrawals in Spain as ‘Renewe & Harmonise’, focused on women in perimenopause and menopause, which was recently organized by the Camiral Golf & Wellness Wellness Center located 30 minutes from Gerona.
For Eastwood, this stage of a woman’s life, now over 40 years old, is essential, since many of them need specific advice so that they can understand common symptoms such as anxietyhe insomniathe fatigue and the weight gain which occur, as clarified, by the gradual decrease in levels of estrogen and progesterone that occur from perimenopause to menopause.
One of the symptoms What seems most worrying is insomnia or fragmented sleep, which is not only common during this period, but can also have a triggering effect on other symptoms such as fatigue, mental fog or lack of concentration.
It also seems important to highlight the effect that hormonal imbalances they provoke so much in the metabolism as in the relationship with food. «When we are tired we usually feel more like eating foods rich in sugar. But also when cortisol levels rise, you feel stress and anxiety, which can also contribute to additional weight gain,” he says.
That is why his recommendation, especially for those over 40 years of age, is do exercise regularly: «We know that it plays a fundamental role in managing stress and anxiety; improves metabolism as more muscle mass is developed, helps the body use excess stored sugars, strengthens bones reducing the risk of osteoporosis, keeps the cardiovascular system healthy and efficient, increases energy levels and contributes to better rest,” he explains.
Exercise and active physical life
In addition to strength work (it is essential to have a set of weights at home), of which she declares herself a great defender, the trainer recommends doing a high-intensity training session or HITT of about 20 or 30 at least twice a week. minutes long. “These quick bursts raise your heart rate to build better endurance and burn visceral fat while maintaining muscle mass. “It also helps to increase metabolism and improve cardiovascular health,” reveals Eastwood.
But also on a daily basis it is also a good resource. walk at a good pace and outdoorsif possible in contact with nature, whenever possible. It is what is known as “power walking”, a type of training based on walking at a sustained and fast pace. “It’s not about running or jogging, but about walking energetically, controlling your posture, changes in pace and intensity,” he explains. This type of practice, together with the regular use of the bicycle, HIIT and strength work, can help eliminate excess cortisol, improve rest, contribute to better fat burning, reduce the chances of suffering from diabetes and strengthen the cardiovascular health.
It can be equally effective on the moodbecause exercise allows us to experience that rush of endorphins that makes us feel more positive and happy; while providing greater clarity, ability to concentrate and self-confidence.
As complementary activities, they also find the sessions of yoga either stretchingespecially on those days when you feel a certain fatigue, as these types of activities can help calm the body and contribute to making better use of the parasympathetic nervous system to sleep better and recover energy.
It’s never too late
One of the keys to his method is based on transmitting the idea that improving bone density and muscle strength before menopause, both through exercise as of the nutrition. However, the expert insists that it is never too late. And that everything we do will influence increasing the quality of life during adulthood. “The menopause It is the most important time in a woman’s life to improve her bone density and his muscle strength“, control your metabolism and feel confident and strong in your own body as you age,” she recalls.
Regarding nutrition, Eastwood remembers that managing and controlling blood sugar levels is vital at this stage, as well as sufficient protein intake at each meal, which helps to stay satiated and nourished.
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