Of all the processes of low temporary disability registered in the last six years, the growth of the short -term – less than 15 days – has been one of the most relevant and the one that has focused a part of the first contacts … Among the Ministry of Social Security with CEOE, CC. Oo. and UGT to address work absenteeism. Pathologies below 15 days 76.2% have increased since 2018 to 2024according to the latest records available to which ABC has had access. Also, almost seven out of ten casualties That they are launched are within this type of pathologies of less than two weeks, according to the data provided in that labor negotiation table.
This type of absences motivated by some short -term ailment are always, by definition, those that generate a greater number of cases of temporary disability. The reports presented by the Department led by Elma Saiz in the three meetings that have already been held to address absenteeism with social agents indicate that their growth has been so exponential these years that have gone from representing 52% of those recorded in 2018 to more than 67% last year.
Seven years ago, two before the pandemic began, the very short duration casualties involved half of all the processes that began for temporary disability to social security. Already then the records of this modality They were progressively increasing in front of those that lasted between 16 and 90 daysor those of more than 365 days, which constituted the other group of workers in this situation.
With the ‘shock’ of the Coronavirus in 2020 and the paralysis of the economy, the short -term processes collapsed considerably. But as that crisis was resolved, Labor casualties of less than two weeks have suffered a remarkable increase that has not stopped of growing over the years to represent the current ratio: seven out of ten temporary disabilities are concentrated in this type of pathologies below 15 days. They are, admit sources of social dialogue, one of the points at which conversations are most concentrated to analyze what happens in the Spanish labor market and the cost that this type of processes imply.
These data contrast, for example, with the growth of the casualties with a Duration greater than two weeks, which has been 37% In the last six years, a much less accused figure with respect to that registered for the set of temporary disability processes.
Health processes
It is reality to explain, according to the sectors linked to these processes, common and little gravity ailments, such as colds, specific ailments, mild traumatological problems or flu of short duration. In fact, these short processes have an average duration of four days, a period that has even been reduced with the passage of time despite the fact that there are more and more requests for short labor absences.
The management of minor ailments will focus a part of the Analysis that Social Security is carrying out with unions and entrepreneurs. It is not just about changing the temporary disability system – these sources indicate – but also to perform a more exhaustive examination of the health, welfare and family reality that crosses the entire country to cushion the effects of this unstoppable increase in labor casualties.
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