As if it were a world apart, there is increasing evidence that in a very significant number of family courts women and their daughters and sons are not protected from sexist violence. It is as if the professionals who work in these and in this field have chosen to remain outside the focus on children’s rights mandated by the LOPIVI and the specialized training and guarantees required by the regulations to combat violence against women. gender (2004) or against sexual violence (2021).
Despite appearances, it seems more like an exception than the rule that, within the legal profession, the prosecution service and the judiciary, there are professionals taking seriously the task of banishing the misogynistic and patriarchal biases that interfere in the cases of separation and divorce that occur. come in family courts. Gender and sexist stereotypes that are applied in a continuous and normalized manner by the same psychosocial teams when controversies require their reports or when the controversial (unregulated) figure of the parental coordinator enters the scene, whose mediation is more reminiscent of that of a guardian of the values of the traditional family than to an impartial subject knowledgeable about the dynamics of sexist violence.
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