In ABC Health, you can meet every week best professionals from each branch of medicine in Spainthe most valued doctorschosen by their own specialty companions. The ranking is the result of the surveys collected in the Health Reputation Monitor (MRS) prepared by MERCO, which has had access to this newspaper.
In the first installment of this series, we met the 10 best Spanish cardiologists chosen by other heart specialists. Then came the top of the 10 best specialists in digestive system, at the discretion of other gastroenterologists; The one with the 10 best dermatologists, the 10 best oncologists, the 10 best neurologists, the 10 best hematologists, the 10 best endocrine, the 10 best pneumologists, the 10 best urologists, the 10 best nephrologists, the 10 best ophthalmologists, the 10 best grants, the 10 best anesthetists, the 10 best traumatologists, the 10 best pediatricians and the 10 best in general surgery Digestive Now it’s turn to The specialists most valued in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The MRS has been evaluating the reputation of the main actors of Spanish health more than 10 years (best public and private hospitals, services, pharmaceutical companies …). On this occasion, the report completes with the second edition of the ranking of the best doctors.
Within the same MRS questionnaire, they are the specialists themselves (6,060 doctors) and more than 100 responsible for pharmaceutical companies, which choose colleagues who, according to their criteria, are best health professionals in 32 medical specialties.
The monitoring and verification of its elaboration and results process is the subject of an independent review by KPMG, according to the ISAE 3000 standard, which publishes its opinion for each edition. All weighting criteria are public. Because of its ethical values and methodology, it is the reference ranking for doctors and scientific societies.
The ten most valued in obstetrics and gynecology
Gynecologists are medical specialists in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that affect the uterus, ovaries, vagina or breasts. Obstetricians, on the other hand, focus on pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium.
Gynecologists are also responsible for accompanying women during the menopause stage.
Among the most frequent consultations they attend, are sexually transmitted infections, cancer, endometriosis, pelvic soil problems, lower genital tract pathologies, infertility and assisted reproduction or regenerative gynecology.
This is the top 10 of the most valued by their specialty colleagues:
1.-Eduard Gratacós Solsona. Clinic Barcelona Hospital.
Director of BCNATAL, Maternofetal Medicine Center at the Clinic Hospital and Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona, professor at the University of Barcelona (UB) and head of the FRCB-IDIBAPS and CIBERER FETAL MEDICINE RESEARCH GROUPS.
2.-Luis Chiva de Agustín. Clinic University of Navarra.
Director of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the University of Navarra Clinic.
3.-Alberto Galindo Izquierdo. October 12 University Hospital.
Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service of the 12 de Octubre University Hospital, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vice Dean for the evaluation of the quality and postgraduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid and Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid.
4.-JAVIER DE SANTIAGO GARCÍA. MD Anderson Cancer Center Hospital.
Chief Gynecology Service and President of the Teaching Commission MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid; and professor at the Francisco de Vitoria University in the Oncology subject.
5.-Jordi Ponce Sebastiá. Bellvitge University Hospital.
Head of the Gynecology Service at the University Hospital of Bellvitge, responsible for the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute – Idibell, Idibell, Manager and Director of Strategy for Pedrosa Clinic, associate professor at the University of Barcelona and director of the Official Master of the University of Barcelona in the specialty of advanced medical competences in Oncological Gynecology and Multidisciplinary Mammary Pathology.
6.-Juan Antonio García Velasco. IVI RMA.
Scientific Director of IVI Global RMA, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of the Master in Human Reproduction of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
7.-Santiago Domingo del Pozo. University Hospital I Polytechnic La Fe.
Head of the Oncological Gynecology Section of the Women’s Area of the University Hospital I Polytechnic La Fe and Gynecologist specialized in reproductive surgery in IVI Valencia.
8.-Antonio Gil-Moreno. Vall D´Hebron University Hospital.
Doctor of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service of the University Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Professor of the Chair of Gynecology and Obstetrics and principal researcher of the Biomedical Research Group in Gynecology of the UAB and director of the Onco Sego Research Network (Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Sego).
9.-Pluvio Coronado Martín. San Carlos Clinical Hospital.
Head of the Gynecological Oncology Unit and the Women’s Health Institute of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital, president of the Spanish Association for the Study of Menopause, coordinator of the Endometrium Cancer Research Group of the SEGO and member of the Serg Council (Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery).
10.-Antonio Pellicer. IVI Valencia.
Founder and director of the IVI team, CEO of Ivirma Global, president of the IVI Foundation for the study of the reproduction and professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valencia.
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