Kaiju No. 8 It is one of the shonen that has captivated everyone thanks to its humor, viscera and humanity. It stars Kafka Hibino, a man over 30 years old who wants to be part of the Defense Force, and together with his friends he will set out to destroy kaiju, do you know who on his team you would be? Take our test and find out.
Kafka Hibino lives in a Tokyo full of enormous creatures that destroy everything in their path, his desire is to join the Defense Force and fight alongside her best friend, however, things do not go as planned and it will take longer than planned.
When he finally makes it, he will meet several boys who will help him in keeping his journey mysterious. Kaiju No. 8 is a story full of humor and huge creatures in a fictional Tokyo. Go ahead and see which squad character you would be. You can be Kafka himself or our beloved Shinomiya, check out here:
What do you use to do when you are sad?
What time do you get up to exercise?
There is an abandoned kitten, what do you do?
You like a girl, you promised her that you would arrive at her birthday party but you were late and it’s a holiday. What are you doing?
What do you do when faced with an invasion of enormous creatures?
What is your perfect meal after a productive day?
What kind of person do you like?
What do you do if they insult you by saying that you are weak?
What should a hero be like?
Kafka Hibino
You are a very kind person and you are quite committed to everything you set your mind to, you also know how to love beautifully and for a long time. Despite not having many physical abilities, your weapon is your voice and your funny way of being. Courage, you will achieve what you set your mind to. Continue to be thoughtful with the people around you, because your charisma always helps them survive in this world, even if you don’t know it.
Soshiro Hoshina
You are the type of person who has an unfriendly face, but is actually very kind, and quite insightful, your skills are above average but in any case you are usually quite pleasant with others, you would be second in command because you know how to recognize your position but in a good way. You can be quite cruel.
Ichikawa Reindeer
You are the type of person who is a little prejudiced, however, when you realize the reality, you do not hesitate to vindicate yourself either. You learn very quickly and you are also very kind, you do not hesitate to protect those who need your help and you also know how to listen. You have few friends, but each one is really valuable to you.
Kikoru Shinomiya
You know how to work, you are the type of person who is really disciplined, and this makes you reap your successes in great abundance. Although you may seem rude and somewhat egocentric, the truth is that they are your defense mechanisms and you are kinder than most, you care about others in a strange way and you also require certain displays of affection that help you gain security.
Mina Ashiro
You are the type of patient and serious person, very reserved, but who has a lot to offer. You are the star of any team even if you have a low profile. You care about everyone and try to balance things. You always improve, in pursuit of helping others.
And good? Do you agree with the result? What do you think? Would you like to share it?
Kaiju No. 8 came to be a success, its special delivery has been one of the most announced, the new dark shonen will have to compete against Solo Leveling another of the most popular titles of 2024.
However, both are very different deliveries, do you think you should be a team? Who do you choose between Jinwoo and Kafka?
We recommend: Kaiju No. 8 vs. Solo Leveling: Which is better?
Where can I watch Kaiju No. 8?
The shonen series is available on the Crunchyroll platform. The manga is published under the Shuēisha label, so you can read a new chapter every Thursday on the platform. Manga Plus legally and free of charge.
Kaiju No. 8 is a work written and illustrated by Matsumoto Naoya, it currently has 107 manga chapters and is part of the spring 2024 screening, it is being animated by Production IG
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#Test #Kaiju #character #personality