The citizen movement Teruel Exists has traveled to Copenhagen, in Denmark, in order to hold a meeting with representatives of the Danish fund Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) to address the environmental impact of the Maestrazgo Cluster renewable energy project, with a power of 760 MW, which is planned to be built in Maestrazgo, in Aragon.
This wind project that CIP plans to build has focused this meeting in which the representatives of the Teruel Existence Citizen Movement have indicated, at the end of the meeting, that The Danish fund was unaware of the opposition in the territorysince they had only met with the municipalities that are within the Viento Alto association.
They have also claimed to be unaware that There is not such a consensual majority either. to endorse the project and they were not aware of the social protests. “They have offered us to open a communication channel with the company so that we inform them directly of the things that we believe are wrong in this project and about the regulations that we are communicating to them that are being misinterpreted,” explains Gerardo Villarroya, councilor of Alcorisa for Teruel Exist, and member of the Citizen Movement.
At the meeting it was also announced the importance of the Maestrazgo. “We have come to convey to Danish public opinion, which is so sensitive to these sustainable development processes, that one of its main companies has made a mistake by acquiring such a project,” adds Tomás Guitarte.
In this meeting, which took place after the concentration The person in charge of the fund was present at the Citizen Movement’s delegation at the doors of the headquarters of the Danish fund. A presence that has been positively valued in order for projects to be carried out in coherence with the social context of the place where they are installed.
“Obviously we have conveyed our interest in rethink the location of the project“says Guitarte, who continues that “this project has judicial complications” which is why it has influenced them to “make the effort to rethink this implementation.”
“We are very happy because we have been able to convey to both Danish public opinion and the company that we still have time to save a space,” he says.
The Maestrazgo Cluster represents the installation of 125 wind turbines (84 of them in the Natura 2000 Network and a total of 91 in the Maximum Environmental Sensitivity Zone) and an evacuation line of 173 kilometers and 327 kilometers of tracks. In addition, two photovoltaic plants are installed.
All of these wind farms are located within the Maestrazgo Cultural Park, which is also a UNESCO World Geopark. It is a territory that will be crossed with high tension lines crossing, especially, Zepa zones, in addition to species that are in danger of extinction, such as the Bonelli’s Eagle or the Bearded Vulture.
A reason why it has also been explained to CIP that the Maestrazgo Geopark “is one of the most beautiful, best preserved and most biodiverse territories not only in Spain but in Europe, with great wealth from a geological and environmental point of view. and patrimonial”.
The place has also been declared of Community Interest (SCI), with an area of ​​rock art declared a World Heritage Site, with three of the Most Beautiful Towns in Spain (Mirambel, Puertomingalvo and Cantavieja), five urban centers classified as Historical Sites, Mosqueruela and Fortanete as Magical Towns of Spain, and the uniqueness of the clear skies that have included Mosqueruela in the Starlight Foundation.
This concentration and meeting in Copenhagen is one more step in the various actions carried out by the Teruel Existence Citizen Movement, which Already in December 2022 he sent a letter -no response was received-, to the company CIP upon learning of its interest in acquiring the project being developed by the Forestalia company. The objective, as now, was to request its reconsideration due to the special characteristics of the territory.
The Movement has also expressed its intention to exhaust all administrative and legal avenues to avoid these installations in Aragonese territory.
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