In total, there are 4074 new features, including new terms and expressions, new meanings and amendments to existing ones, as well as deletions.
The RAE, faithful to its Christmas tradition, today presented the new words that enter the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (DLE), in its 23.8 update. In total, there are 4,074 new features, including new terms and expressions, new meanings and amendments to existing ones, as well as deletions.
Among the new voices that the DLE includes, some stand out such as indie (“generally said of cinema or music: independent, produced outside the large studios and companies and distributed outside the usual circuits”), teleworking (“working in a regular of teleworking”), spoiler (“revelation of important details of the plot or outcome of a work of fiction, which reduces or nullifies the interest of those who do not yet know them”), barista (“person expert in preparing coffee or other drinks made with it”), wasabi (“edible root of wasabi, with a very spicy flavor”) and tutifruti (“mixture of various things”), among many others.
[Habrá ampliación].
#Telework #barista #indie #spoiler #dana #tutifruti #rap.. #words #enter #RAE #Dictionary