A teenager shoots his classmate. The Würzburg Regional Court has been hearing the case behind closed doors for ten days. The verdict is getting closer.
Würzburg – The fatal shot fired by a 15-year-old middle school student at a classmate one year younger than him in Lohr am Main came from behind. The projectile hit the victim in the back of the head, confirmed a court expert. The Würzburg Regional Court has been hearing the sensational case for ten days. The 15-year-old confessed to the fatal shot at the beginning of the main hearing. However, he did not fire it intentionally. The exact circumstances of the violent act could no longer be reconstructed, another expert testified in court.
Boys went to the same school
The 15-year-old German has been in private proceedings before the Grand Youth Chamber since May 3. According to the prosecution, he killed the 14-year-old Italian with a single shot from a pistol on the grounds of a school in Lohr am Main in Franconia last September. The two boys went to the same middle school in the small town in the Spessart region.
According to the spokeswoman, the defendant had his defense attorney explain that he was sorry for what he had done and that he wished he could undo everything. The youth did not answer questions on the matter, a court spokeswoman reported from the session.
Ten years as the maximum sentence for murder
Since the accused is a juvenile, the law requires a trial behind closed doors. In juvenile proceedings, the focus is on education. In the case of murder, the maximum youth sentence is ten years. Preventive detention is possible under strict conditions.
The murder weapon, a nine-millimeter pistol of the Ceska CZ 75 type, belonged to a 66-year-old who lived in the same house as the accused. How the youth got hold of the weapon is not yet publicly known.
According to the court, the trial could end as early as the beginning of August. The next hearing is scheduled for July 19. dpa
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