A teacher in the USA abused three of her students. Now 24-year-old Cassidy K. faces over 30 years in prison.
Des Moines – A newly married teacher from the US state of Iowa has confessed to sexually abusing young students. The scandal became known in October 2023. On Monday (February 5th), 24-year-old Cassidy K. confessed to her actions.
Teacher admits sexual abuse and display of pornographic material
The young teacher admitted in court that she showed a 13-year-old student pornographic material and “touched his genitals” after school. She also had “repeated sexual acts” with two 14-year-old students. That comes from one Press release from the Carroll County Sheriff's Office.
K. now faces up to 33 years in prison. Exactly how much her sentence will be is not yet known: her sentence will be read out on March 11th.
In the USA, crimes are generally punished more harshly than in Germany and Europe. It's there in January a new method of execution was used for the first time in 40 years. The UN fears this is torture.
Because of the abuse scandal: Marriage ends shortly after the wedding
Actually, K. seemed to lead an ordinary life: The young teacher was a member of an athletics team for a long time and received several awards at her university for outstanding academic achievements.
She also married her boyfriend Zachary in July 2023. Due to the abuse scandal, the marriage ended only a short time after the marriage. K. Husband filed for divorce when he found out about it. K. also lost her job as a teacher due to the scandal. She resigned herself to avoid being fired.
Another scandal recently shocked the USA: A teacher is accused of sleeping with a student. His classmates apparently had to stand guard. (jus)
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