The last week
Believe until you don't see and see until you don't believe. Florestan.The one that starts on Monday will be the ...
Believe until you don't see and see until you don't believe. Florestan.The one that starts on Monday will be the ...
They are bringing out the worst in each other. Florestan.In football, there have been cases where a championship is decided ...
Yesterday we witnessed the most dunghill day in the history of Congress Mexican when in the effort to please Lopez ...
They are more attracted to the author than to the magic of his work. Florestan.Yesterday I was telling you, dear ...
Those who condemn others can only do so, purified for the moment. Florestan.To this day Major General, Diploma of the ...
The disadvantage of demagogues is reality and time. Florestan.When today there are 87 days left until the end of the ...
Majority means being more, not being right. Florestan.The reform to the Power of attorney how he wants her Lopez Obrador ...
The opposition says that June 2 was a day to forget and they are wrong again. What more would they ...
Now deputies and senators will be sold to the lowest bidder. FlorestanYesterday the first meeting between President López Obrador and ...
No, it doesn't matter how you fall, what matters is how you get up. Florestan.Well, the post-election week has passed ...