Civil Guard warning to all of Spain: from now on, for security do not throw this in the trash
We live in a world where information has become power, and that is that all data on us, our behaviors ...
We live in a world where information has become power, and that is that all data on us, our behaviors ...
Burma (Myanmar) turns into rescue work with the few means of an impoverished country and broken by the civil war. ...
A popular accusation personada in the cause of the DANA, in this case Cultural Acció of the country Valencià (ACPV), ...
The rise of online purchases is more than evident. Every year they arise new platforms for purchase and sale of ...
The Judge of the Dana has commissioned the Civil Guard Judicial Police for a report on the cameras and screens ...
The Audience of Barcelona has amnestized the eleven agents of the Civil Guard denounced for torture during the arrest of ...
The Francisco de Vitoria Judicial Association (AJFV) has denounced the vandalization suffered by the vehicle of the judge in charge ...
03/27/2025 Updated at 6:54 p.m. The relations between the regional president and the central government is getting worse every day. ...
The Barcelona audience has amnestized eleven civil guards to which one of the detainees during the operation Judas, Jordi Ros, ...
03/27/2025 Updated at 14: 53h. The head of the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 3 of Catarroja, which ...