Checkmate the most important pirate football channel in Spain
Civil Guard agents belonging to the Technological Investigation Team (EDITE) of the Madrid Command, within the framework of 'Operation Blue ...
Civil Guard agents belonging to the Technological Investigation Team (EDITE) of the Madrid Command, within the framework of 'Operation Blue ...
“When do we find a governing people?... The answer is: in elections.” Giovanni Sartori, Theory of Democracy President Lopez Obrador ...
“Power stuns the intelligent and drives the fools crazy.”. Andrés Manuel López Obrador It is not that a deployment of ...
“Pollution did not realize that a million vehicles had stopped circulating.” Hector G. Riveros Many politicians try to solve problems ...
No one can accuse López Obrador of having good business sense. He never had a business, never suffered the anguish ...
Carlos Urzua he was a good man and a capable economist. Was also committed to social causeswhich led him to ...
It has been a huge fight against what they call customs and habits. The most recent measure has been the ...
I find it curious, although regrettable, the president's obsession with vapers. Despite the many times he has wanted to express ...