Swimming Chloë McCardel, who has crossed the English Channel 44 times, hopes to be a role model: “I am proud to be the Queen of the English Channel”

Chloë McCardel tells in a video for The Guardian that she has wanted to be the best in the world somewhere since she was young.

Australian 36 years old Chloë McCardel reached his goal on Wednesday: he has swam across the English Channel more often than anyone else. McCardel has crossed the canal 44 times.

The previous record of 43 exceedances is British Alison Streeterin on behalf of.

McCardel arrived on the French side on Wednesday ten hours after leaving Kent in England.

In general, McCardel has been exhausted since crossing the canal, but not this time. The weather was also favorable, and the swimmer did not have to fight in a two-meter wave.

“I’m excited, it feels like I could swim the canal again right tomorrow, although it’s probably not a very good idea,” McCardel said in a video of The Guardian after the performance.

McCardel says he has dreamed of being the best in the world somewhere since he was 19 years old.

“If it had been something done once, it wouldn’t have been so satisfying,” he says.

“I am proud to be the queen of the English Channel.”

Record the factory has taken 12 years. In 2015, he crossed the canal three times without stopping. The performance took almost 37 hours.

Before his 44th swim, McCardel pondered the importance of role models.

“I think sometimes women are not recognized as much for their achievements as they should be.”

“Getting female role models has been significant to me, and I really hope I can be one for other women and girls,” McCardel told the British Broadcasting Corporation. BBC’s by.

McCardel also holds the longest unassisted ocean swim, 124 miles from South Eleuthera Island in Nassau, Bahamas.

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